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RE: avoid spurious vertical segment in step function plot

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg23363] RE: [mg23327] avoid spurious vertical segment in step function plot
  • From: hwolf at
  • Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 02:59:30 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

my answer see below:

	-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
	Von:	Murray Eisenberg [SMTP:murray at]
	Gesendet am:	Dienstag, 2. Mai 2000 06:43
	An:	mathgroup at
	Betreff:	[mg23327] avoid spurious vertical segment in step
function plot

	Several packages available from MathSource deal with eliminating the
	spurious parts of plots of discontinuous functions across vertical

	Is there some simple way of dealing with the similar problem of
	eliminating the spurious vertical line segment in plotting a
	with jumps -- for example, in the following?

	  Plot[UnitStep[x], {x, -1, 1}]

Hello Murray,

this certainly is a question coming up repeatedly;  I'll forward (and 
translate) you two answers, I had given at DMUG (a math user group in 

The first one is applicable if you know the positions of the 
singularities (infinities, jumps):

In[22]:= Unprotect[Plot]

Plot[f_, {var_Symbol, min_, singularities__, max_}, opts___] := 
  Module[{ranges = (Prepend[#1, var] & ) /@ 
      Partition[{min, singularities, max}, 2, 1], g, df}, 
   g = (Plot[f, #1, DisplayFunction -> Identity, opts] & ) /@ ranges; 
   df = DisplayFunction /. Flatten[{opts}] /. 
      Options[Plot, DisplayFunction]; 
   Show[g, DisplayFunction -> df]]

In[24]:= Protect[Plot]

This solution in fact uses the display function you specify, try:

Plot[ UnitStep[x - 1]UnitStep[2 - x], {x, 0, 1, 2, 3}, 
  PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.02], Hue[0., 1., 0.7]}, 
  DisplayFunction -> ((Print["Hallo!"]; $DisplayFunction[#]) &)]

More difficult is the case where you don't know in advance where the 
jumps were (and how many there are).  The following may be a pragmatic 
way to deal with that: Take e.g. the function

cc[x_] := Which[x > 1, 1,
                x > 1/2,  (1 +  cc[2x - 1])/2,
                x > 0, 1/2,
                True, 0 ]
Plot[cc[x], {x, -0.1, 1.1}, PlotRange -> {0, 1}]

There are a lot of jumps, and it may not be sensibel to suppress too low 

In[4]:= Attributes[suppressSteep] = {HoldFirst};
suppressSteep[g_, limit_] := 
  Module[{pts, posLine, steep, pp, seqs}, 
   posLine = Position[g, Line[_]]//First;
   pts = Part[g, Sequence@@posLine, 1] ; 
   steep = (#1[[2]]/#1[[1]] & ) /@ 
      (Subtract @@ Reverse[#1] & ) /@ Partition[pts, 2, 1]; 
   pp = Flatten[Position[steep, x_ /; Abs[x] > limit]]; 
   seqs = Transpose[
      {Prepend[pp + 1, 1], Append[pp, Length[pts]]}]; 
   ReplacePart[g, Line /@ (Take[pts, #1] & ) /@ seqs, posLine]

suppressSteep[Plot[f_List, range_, opts___], limits_List] /; Length[f]
== Length[limits]:= 
  Module[{g, df, pstyles}, 
   pstyles = PlotStyle /. Flatten[{opts}] /. 
   Options[Plot, PlotStyle];
   pstyles = Replace[{pstyles}, {{x__}} -> {x}];
   PadRight[pstyles, Length[f], pstyles];
   g = Plot[#1, range, PlotStyle -> #2, 
            DisplayFunction -> Identity, opts]& 
       @@@ Transpose[{f, pstyles}];
   df = DisplayFunction /. Flatten[{opts}] /. 
        Options[Plot, DisplayFunction];  
   Show[MapThread[suppressSteep,{g, limits}], 
        DisplayFunction -> df]

suppressSteep[Plot[f_List, range_, opts___], limits_] := 
  Module[{ll = Flatten[{limits}]},
  ll = PadRight[ll, Length[f], ll];
  suppressSteep[Plot[f, range, opts], ll]

suppressSteep[Plot[f_, range_, opts___], limit_?Positive] := 
  Module[{g, df},
   g = Plot[f, range, DisplayFunction -> Identity, opts];
   df = DisplayFunction /. Flatten[{opts}] /. 
        Options[Plot, DisplayFunction];  
   Show[suppressSteep[g, limit], DisplayFunction -> df]

The plot will be generated first, and then the plot line will be 
cut where the steepness exeeds 'limit'.  You may have to try and 
find out for an appropriate value for 'limit' in the case of 
application. So try

suppressSteep[Plot[cc[x], {x, -0.1, 1.1}], 5]

and with

f1 = 1/((1 - x)(2 - x)); f2 = 5 UnitStep[x - 0.5]UnitStep[2.5 - x];

  Plot[{f1, f2}, {x, 0, 3}, PlotRange -> {All, {-10, 10}}, 
    PlotStyle -> {{Hue[1/3, 1., 0.5]}, {Thickness[0.02], 
          Hue[0., 1., 0.7]}}], {100, 5}]

  Plot[f2, {x, 0, 3}, PlotRange -> {All, {-10, 10}}, 
    PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.02], Hue[0., 1., 0.7]}], 5]

  Plot[f1, {x, 0, 3}, PlotRange -> {All, {-10, 10}}, 
    PlotStyle -> {{Hue[1/3, 1., 0.5]}, {Thickness[0.02], 
          Hue[0., 1., 0.7]}}], 100]

  Plot[{f1}, {x, 0, 3}, PlotRange -> {All, {-10, 10}}, 
    PlotStyle -> {{Hue[1/3, 1., 0.5]}}], 100]

  Plot[{f1}, {x, 0, 3}, PlotRange -> {All, {-10, 10}}, 
    PlotStyle -> {{Hue[1/3, 1., 0.5]}}], {100}]

One of the drawbacks of this solution is, that there will remain a 
small but finite gap. This certainly can be improved, e.g. try to 
dispense with 'limit' by utilizing the specifications for MaxBend 
and PlotDivision; but this may amount to write a new Plot function 
from the scratch.

Kind regards,  Hartmut

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