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Re: need little help - no longer!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg23644] Re: [mg23530] need little help - no longer!
  • From: "Allan Hayes" <hay at>
  • Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 23:08:57 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <8g9nm8$> <8gfuar$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Ted, Mark

Below, I generate the same list of 10000 entries using using:
compiledRandomIndex (Ted Erseck/ MarkFisher): timing 94.91 seconds
And two new codes:
makePicker: timing 63.00 seconds
pickRandom: timing 6.31 seconds

The codes follow the examples

Generate the list of probabilities

m = #/(Plus @@ #) &[Table[Random[], {500}]];


1) compileRandomIndex

pick = compileRandomIndex[m];
SeedRandom[1]; Table[pick2[], {10}]
SeedRandom[1]; Table[pick[], {10000}]; // Timing

        {333, 426, 394, 60, 471, 297, 382, 486, 61, 278}

        {94.91 Second, Null}

2) makePicker: uses Position instead of Which

pick2 = makePicker[m];
SeedRandom[1]; Table[pick2[], {10}]
SeedRandom[1]; Table[pick2[], {10000}]; // Timing

        {333, 426, 394, 60, 471, 297, 382, 486, 61, 278}

        {63. Second, Null}

3) pickRandom: optimised for making runs, uses list operations, Sort and
Split - an example of setting up structure and modifying it

SeedRandom[1]; pickRandom[m, 10]
SeedRandom[1]; pickRandom[m, 10000]; // Timing

        {333, 426, 394, 60, 471, 297, 382, 486, 61, 278}

        {6.31 Second, Null}


compileRandomIndex[list_] :=
  Block[{x, y},
    Compile @@ (Hold[{}, With[{x = Random[]}, y], {{Which[__], _Integer}}]
          y -> Which @@ (Flatten@
                  Transpose[{Thread[x <= Rest at FoldList[Plus, 0, list]],

makePicker[m_] :=
  With[{m2 = Rest[FoldList[Plus, 0, m]]},
    Compile[{}, Position[Sort[Append[m2, #]], #] &[Random[]][[1, 1]]

pickRandom[m_, n_] :=
      Sort[Join @@ (Map[Last,
                    Join[Transpose[{#, Range[Length[#]]} &[
                          Table[Random[], {n}]]],

                      Thread[List[#, List /@ Range[Length[#]]]]

                        Rest[FoldList[Plus, 0, m]]]     ]],
                  FreeQ[{#1}, {_, {_Integer}}] &], {2}] /. {{x__, \
{p_Integer}} :> Thread[List[{x}, p]],
                {{_}} -> Sequence[]})]]]

Allan Hayes
Mathematica Training and Consulting
Leicester UK
hay at
Voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198
Fax: +44 (0)870 164 0565

"Mark Fisher" <mefisher at> wrote in message
news:8gfuar$br7 at
> Following up on Andrzej's point, Ken's solution is indeed elegant, but
> Ted Ersek's solution can be compiled. Here is Ted's solution (slightly
> modified):
> With[{x = Random[]},
>   Which[x < .2, 1, x < .6, 2, x < .7, 3, x < 1., 4]
> Here's a function that takes a list and returns a CompiledFuntion:
> compileRandomIndex[list_List/; Plus @@ list == 1] :=
> Block[{x, y},
>   Compile @@
>     (Hold[{}, With[{x = Random[]}, y],
>       {{Which[__], _Integer}}] /. y ->
>         Which @@ (Flatten @
>           Transpose[{Thread[x < Rest @ FoldList[Plus, 0, list]],
>             Range[Length[list]]}]))]
> The Hold is used to make an inert container that facilitates the
> construction of the arguments to Compile. The idea is to insert the
> evaluated Which expression into the Hold container without evaluating
> the call to Random, and only then slap on the Compile head. (The third
> argument to Compile alerts Compile to the fact that the Which expression
> returns an Integer.)
> Here is the usage:
> m = {0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.3}
> ran = compileRandomIndex[m]
> ran[]
> It runs faster than Ken's solution, with the advantage growing with the
> length of the list.
> --Mark.

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