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OptimizeExpression further enhanced?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25975] OptimizeExpression further enhanced?
  • From: Adalbert Hanssen <hanssen at>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 03:47:08 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi, MathGroup,

has anybody tried to further enhance OptimizeExpression.m ?

Example: the intersection of a line starting at {px,py,pz}
going in the direction {rx,ry,rz} with the sphere centered
at {0,0,0} with radius r may be calculated as 


If we put the result through OptimizeExpression[#,OptimizeLevel->-1]&
we get:

  [Modude[{$1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10
          ,$11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20
          ,$21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28
         ,$1 = rx^2;
          $2 = ry^2;
          $3 = rz^2;
          $4 = $1 + $2 + $3;
          $5 = $4^(-1);
          $6 = -(px*$1*$5);
          $7 = -(py*rx*ry*$5);
          $8 = -(pz*rx*rz*$5);
          $9 = 2*px*rx;
          $10 = 2*py*ry;
          $11 = 2*pz*rz;
          $12 = $10 + $11 + $9;
          $13 = $12^2;
          $14 = px^2;
          $15 = py^2;
          $16 = pz^2;
          $17 = r^2;
          $18 = -$17;
          $19 = $14 + $15 + $16 + $18;
          $20 = -4*$19*$4;
          $21 = $13 + $20;
          $22 = Sqrt[$21];
          $23 = -(px*rx*ry*$5);
          $24 = -(py*$2*$5);
          $25 = -(pz*ry*rz*$5);
          $26 = -2*px*rx;
          $27 = -2*py*ry;
          $28 = -2*pz*rz;
          {{x -> px - (rx*$22*$5)/2 + $6 + $7 + $8
           ,y -> py + $23 + $24 + $25 - (ry*$22*$5)/2
           ,d -> ((-$22 + $26 + $27 + $28)*$5)/2
          ,{x -> px + (rx*$22*$5)/2 + $6 + $7 + $8
           ,y -> py + $23 + $24 + $25 + (ry*$22*$5)/2
           ,d -> (($22 + $26 + $27 + $28)*$5)/2

The two solutions only differ in the sign of a common
subexpressions, e.g. for x in the sign before (rx*$22*$5)/2
etc. Why does OptimizeExpression not take notice of this?

If OptimizeExpression would work completely, it would 
use an extra variable for the subexpression, e.g.

$30 = (rx*$22*$5)/2

Since the factor $22*$5 literally appears several times,
it might be assigned to another variable, e.g.

$29 = $22*$5/2;
$39 = rx*$29;

In the same way, several sums may also be computed only once,
(if we look at sums with the same terms adjacent to each other,
$6+$7+$8 and $23+$24+$25 and $26+$27+$28 might be assigned to
intermediate variables, looking closer at it, even px+$6+$7+$8 
might be unified to one term, also py + $23 + $24 + $25 to 
another one).

Of course, fine tuning OptimizeExpression-results by hand, one
also finds out, that $26,$27,$28 are only used in a sum and all
of them contain a comman factor -2. The sum would better be 
done first and the factor -2 applied later. Of course, 
the number of intermediate variables can be reduced by 
using one for them:


Is anybody out there, who has tought OptimizeExpression to
handle this and similar cases?

kind regards

Dipl.-Math. Adalbert Hanszen

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