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RE: Complex Function Plot

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25575] RE: [mg25541] Complex Function Plot
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2000 00:42:01 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Instead of doing an Interpolation which can be time consuming, why don't you
just use a table and make a MultipleListPlot. The only disadvantage is that
you lose the adaptive procedures of a normal Plot. Here is a routine that
makes the plot and calculates f[t] only once at each point.


ReImPlot[f_, {tmin_, tmax_, tinc_}, opts___?OptionQ] :=
  Module[{fdata, fRe, fIm, t},
    fdata =
      Transpose[Table[{t, Re[#], Im[#]} &[f[t]], {t, tmin, tmax, tinc}]];
    fRe = Transpose[Take[fdata, {1, 2}]];
    fIm = Transpose[Drop[fdata, {2}]];
    MultipleListPlot[fRe, fIm, opts, PlotJoined -> True, SymbolShape ->
      PlotStyle -> {Hue[.7], Hue[.9]}]

f[t_] := BesselK[3, I t]
ReImPlot[f, {0.01, 20, 20/100}];

David Park
djmp at

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roberto Brambilla [mailto:rlbrambilla at]
To: mathgroup at
> Hi, dear MG-friends
> I have often to plot the real and the imaginary part
> of a complex valued function of a real variable : f(t).
> The obvious solution is
> Plot[{f[t]//Re,f[t]//Im},{t,t1,t2},
>       PlotStyle->{Hue[.7],Hue[.9]}]
> and the function is evaluated two times for each value of t.
> In the case of a long-time-eating function (as in the case
> of series expansions with hypergeometric f.,integrals with
> parameters,etc) it would be suitable a trick to evaluate
> f[t] only once.
> I'd like also to avoid to use interpolation like
> p=Table[f[t1+k(t2-t1)k/n],{k,0,n}];
> fr=Interpolation[p//Re,InterpolationOrder->mr];
> fi=Interpolation[p//Im,InterpolationOrder->mi];
> Plot[{fr[t],fi[t]},{t,t1,t2},
>       PlotStyle->{Hue[.7],Hue[.9]}]
> since it requires the optimum choice of n, mr and mi
> for each (t1,t2) interval, especially if the two parts
> oscillate with very different periods.
> I use Math. version 3.0 .
> Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
> Bye, Rob
> Roberto Brambilla
> Via Rubattino 54
> 20134 Milano
> tel +39.2.2125.5875
> fax +39.2.2125.610
> rlbrambilla at

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