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Re: Text in graphics

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25778] Re: Text in graphics
  • From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
  • Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 03:53:40 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Universitaet Leipzig
  • References: <8ssq4n$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


a) you can try a graphics package to import the Mathematica graphics
   My CorelDraw has than the option to import the text as text + fonts
   or as lines. May be tha a Mac drawing program has similar fearures
b) FormatType -> TraditionalForm will use italics for singel letters.
   There is also a FrontEnd option for the prining single letter symbols
   in italic.


Alan Easton wrote:
> Hello mathgroup,
> I have two questions regarding printing text on graphics.  I use Mathematica 4 on a
> Macintosh Powerbook G3.
> I require pictures in EPS format for inclusion in LaTeX documents for publication.  I also
> transfer graphics to other users, some with Macintosh others with PC's.
> I am concerned about the fonts.  I like to use Helvetica or Arial fonts.  To date I have
> avoided all greek symbols, fractions and brackets so that EPS pictures transfer and print
> as they are supposed to.  However, I have found that printers have very limited fonts
> available (for example, older printers do not have Arial font).  Transferring the fonts to
> the memory of printers does not seem an adequate solution.  The use of a very limited
> character set is not sustainable so I have decided that I should use the embedded math
> font application on each of the figures.  I have downloaded the application (emmathfnt)
> and used it successfully on one picture.  This is a little tedious but is a solution.
> Hence, my first question is "Is there a better solution available?"
> My second question regards the development of a suitable text.   I would like to write
> equations in mathematical form with variables in italic and numbers in plain text.  For
> example the following commands are adequate to display the boundary condition *u/*x = 1/2.
> bc = Graphics[{
>             Text[
>             StyleForm["*u/*x", FontFamily -> "Arial",
>               FontSlant -> "Italic", FontSize -> 10], {1.1, 0.5}, {1, 0}],
>              Text[
>             StyleForm["=1/2", FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 10],
>             {1.1, 0.5}, {-1, 0}]}];
> Show[bc]
> But how can I do *u/*x = 1/2u?  I would like to form a composite text which I can direct
> to be displayed from one point.
> I would like to hear from others who have dealt with these problems.
> Alan Easton

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