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RE: Symbolize in the Notations Package

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg28166] RE: [mg28157] Symbolize in the Notations Package
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 02:37:44 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Dear MathGroup,

With some help from Jason Harris, I now know how to enter the Symbolize
statement for his first Symbolize example in Help. If we have an unusual Box
structure that can't be directly typed in, do the following. First, in a
separate cell, type and click in from a palette the box structure you are
going to use. Here is his example (converted to input form for the email).

[ScriptN] \[PartialD]\), Rule[ZeroWidthTimes, True]], DomainD]

Copy it to the clipboard.

Use Shift-Ctrl-E to show the underlying expression.

Select "\[Placeholder]" (including the quotes) and replace it with the copy
from the clipboard. So your start with this:

    RowBox[{"Symbolize", "[",
        TagStyle->"NotationTemplateStyle"], "]"}]], "Input"]

and end up with this:

    RowBox[{"Symbolize", "[",

\[ScriptN] \[PartialD]\),Rule[ZeroWidthTimes,True]],DomainD],
        TagStyle->"NotationTemplateStyle"], "]"}]], "Input"]

Then use Shift-Ctrl-E again and you have the Symbolize statement in the Help
example, which can then be evaluated. You could also type the expression
directly into the Cell expression. For me, it is easier to see it isolated
in a separate cell first.

The same procedure can be used in the AddInputAlias statement to create a
simple alias for the symbol. Paste the box expression into the first
placeholder, convert back to a normal cell display and type in the alias.

In fact, it appears that you can use this procedure in the AddInputAlias
statement first, and then use the input alias to enter the expression into
the Symbolize statement. So that is the trick, if there was anyone besides
me who was confused as to how it was done.

David Park
djmp at

> From: David Park [mailto:djmp at]
To: mathgroup at
> Dear MathGroup,
> I have often tried to use the Notations package, but I always get
> stopped by
> the very first Symbolize example. It is something like
> Symbolize[Domain\[PartialD]] except that Domain is in script letters.
> If one tries to just type this (or click it from the characters palette)
> into the Symbolize statement (which I clicked in from the
> Notations palette)
> it does not work.
> Later, in the Changing Precedences section of the Help a TagBox
> form of the
> expression is shown. But when I wrap that in DisplayForm and copy it into
> the Symbolize statement it also failed.
> I can copy the Symbolize statement from the Help and that works.
> Can anyone
> show me how to enter the statement from scratch?
> David Park
> djmp at

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