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Not easy List transformation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg28554] Not easy List transformation
  • From: guillerm at
  • Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 03:56:08 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Dear group
I has a list as form that follow,where a_ii, b_ii and c_ii are numeric values

list = {{a11*E^(b11*(t - T) + c11*T) + a12*E^(b12*(t - T) + c12*T) + 
      a13*E^(b13*(t - T) + c13*T)}, {a21*E^(b21*(t - T) + c1*T) + 
      a22*E^(b22*(t - T) + c2*T) + a23*E^(b23*(t - T) + c23*T)}}; 

I want to make a Math function (I call ListTransform) to apply the below 
transformation for each element of list

(a*(E^(b*t) - E^(c*t)))/(b - c)

To obtain a list as follow

listTransform[list1] = 

{{(a11*(E^(b11*t) - E^(c11*t)))/(b11 - c11)+(a12*(E^(b12*t) - E^(c12*t)))/(b12 -
 c12)}, {, ..., ...}}

My goald is apply this transformation to follow kind of operation

A2 = {{1.1, 2.2}, {3.1, 4.3}}; 

list2 = Expand[MatrixExp[A2*T] . {3/E^(2.3*t) + 4/E^(2.1*t), 0} /. t -> t - T]


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