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RE: Re: Problem with context creation in packages

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg30497] RE: [mg30467] Re: Problem with context creation in packages
  • From: "Emilio Martin-Serrano Sobrino" <emilio.martin at>
  • Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 04:05:56 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Thanks, and sorry, Allan,

I fixed the misspelling in the context names: I had checked them out many
times before posting the question, but without success, the missing "n" in
"Trasition" was very elusive (but these things happen, specially when
misspellings occur to second language users). Now everything goes perfectly.

Thanks again.


<The local name of the package file:
 <   "Islm`EquilibriumStageTransitionISLM`"
<and the package context:
<    "Islm`EquilibriumStageTrasitionISLM`"
<should be the same

<Allan Hayes
<Mathematica Training and Consulting
<Leicester UK
<hay at
<Voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198
<Fax: +44 (0)870 164 0565<

"Emilio Martin-Serrano Sobrino" <emilio.martin at> wrote in message
news:9lvgum$4o3$1 at
> Hi:
> I am trying to load two packages with the following headings:
> 1 ->
> BeginPackage["Islm`EquilibriumStageTrasitionISLM`","Utilities`ISLMmodel`"]
> 2 ->  BeginPackage["Islm`ISLMFunctions`","Utilities`ISLMmodel`","Islm`
> EquilibriumStageTransitionsISLM`"].
> When I invoke these packages within a notebook I get this
> In[1] :=   Needs["Islm`EquilibriumStageTransitionISLM`"]
> Out[1]:= Needs::nocont: Context Islm`EquilibriumStageTransitionISLM` was
> created when Needs was evaluated.
> In[2]:=    Needs["Islm`ISLMFunctions`"]
> Out[2]:= Needs::nocont: Context Islm`EquilibriumStageTransitionISLM` was
> created when Needs was evaluated.
> However, if I execute
> In[6]:=?Islm`EquilibriumStageTrasitionISLM`*
> I can see that all the symbols in the package have been created, (and the
> same for In[7]:= ?Islm`ISLMFunctions`*    )
> And, If I execute
> In[8]:= $ContextPath
> Out[8]:=
> `, ............}
> Which tells me the target context names have been put in the ContextPath.
> (Why so, if the context has not been created?)
> Then, I check all the functions and symbols in these packages and all them
> (but two) seem to work perfectly. The two symbols that do not work are in
> the package  *Islm`ISLMFunctions*  and they use two symbols imported from
> the package *Islm`EquilibriumStageTrasitionISLM* (remember, it is the one
> whose context was no created). And this seems to be the reason why these
> symbols do not work, since the imported symbols from the package
> *Islm`EquilibriumStageTrasitionISLM* are re-declared as private in the
> package *Islm`ISLMFunctions*.  I think this re-declaration `informs`  that
> the imported symbol has not been found  because the corresponding context
> does not actually exist.
> The two packages *Islm`EquilibriumStageTrasitionISLM`* and
> *Islm`ISLMFunctions`* use symbols and functions in equivalent syntactical
> positions to the one that is re-declared, but these symbols that work ok
> come from the other packages, and everything goes OK.
> Of course, I did not get any other error message o warnings on syntactical
> problems.
> Could anyone give a clue on the apparent contradiction.
> Emilio Martin-Serrano
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