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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg27148] Linux+Mathematica+Lithuanian.kbd
  • From: "Arturas Acus" <acus at>
  • Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 04:40:38 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Dear Group,

Few days I unsuccesfully try to use lithuanian
keyboard in Mathematica under Madrake 7.2 box.
Here we use ISO8859-13 encoding for Linux.
Unfortunatelly just after setting XkbLayout="lt_b"
(no keyboard swich!) I am unable to use Shift+Enter
shortcut to send expression for evaluation (menu
 Kernel/Evaluation/Evaluate Next Input works ok).
Mathematica just beeps. 
I expected that Mathematica will not let me to input
lithuanian letters AFTER switching to lt layout,
because there  is no ISO8859-13.m file.

But why it refuses to interpret Shift+Enter before
swiching to lt keyboard?

Related question. How I can make ISO8859-13.m?
I quess that this file maps 8bit ASCII codes to
Windows users do not have this problem, because
cp1257 code page is supported by Mathematica.
Other X programs like Nirvana editor (nedit)
works as expected after keyboard switch.

I have put configuration (and encoding) files to

If somebody could take a look I would be extremely

Please answer also to acus at
If I missed other relevant configuration files
please let me know.

Sincerely, Aruras
Dr. Arturas Acus
Institute of Theoretical
Physics and Astronomy
Gostauto 12, 2600,Vilnius

E-mail: acus at
   Fax: 370-2-225361
   Tel: 370-2-612906

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