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Re: Graphing Functions for an idiot

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg27266] Re: Graphing Functions for an idiot
  • From: "Peter Verstappen" <peterverstappen at>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 03:58:17 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <96asca$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

[You have to supply the x-range for a plot though Mathematica will scale the
y-axis appropriately].
I have found the Schaum's Outline Mathematica [available from Wolfram
merchandising] very useful for newbies, i.e. me. The Mathematica Book is the
bible, the Schaum's book is the tutorial. The bible tells you what is, not
how to do it. The tutorial is light on theory but heavy on worked examples
and much more useful for a beginner.

"nsnn" <dontreply at tothis.ok?> wrote in message
news:96asca$6f6 at
| Hi, It's Idiot Here....
| After spending an afternoon with the Mathematica Book, 4th Ed. by S.W. I
| have found that I must be an official Idiot because I cannot figure out
| to do simple graphing of functions.
| Could someone please help me - step by step - realizing that you are
| instructing an idiot who -tried- figuring this out from the book - to
| simple functions.
| Here is an example of what I am looking for:
| Graph the function f(x)=x^3-3x
| I read the section on the command "Plot" and no matter what I do I either
| get a graph that doesn't represent the function I am trying to graph or
| errors.
| Thanks in Advance!
| -rp

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