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Re: Problem: a matrix and a box...

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg27266] Re: [mg27268] Problem: a matrix and a box...
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <andrzej at>
  • Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 02:52:05 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

To write such a program in Mathematica is a breeze but there seems to be a

First we define our function:

func[l_List] /; (Length[l] == 2) := {Plus @@@
        Plus @@@ Transpose[Partition[#, 2, 1] & /@ l]};
func[l_List] /; (Length[l] > 2) := Flatten[func /@ Partition[l, 2, 1], 1]

Next, we check that it works:

(m = {{a1, a2, a3, a4, a5}, {b1, b2, b3, b4, b5}, {c1, c2, c3, c4, c5}, {e1,
          e2, e3, e4, e5}, {h1, h2, h3, h4, h5}});


{{a1 + a2 + b1 + b2, a2 + a3 + b2 + b3, a3 + a4 + b3 + b4,
   a4 + a5 + b4 + b5}, {b1 + b2 + c1 + c2, b2 + b3 + c2 + c3,
   b3 + b4 + c3 + c4, b4 + b5 + c4 + c5}, {c1 + c2 + e1 + e2,
   c2 + c3 + e2 + e3, c3 + c4 + e3 + e4, c4 + c5 + e4 + e5},
  {e1 + e2 + h1 + h2, e2 + e3 + h2 + h3, e3 + e4 + h3 + h4,
   e4 + e5 + h4 + h5}}

Now the snag. We look at some timings for matrices of the size of the order
you are interested in:

T = Array[Random[] &, {500, 500}];

func[T]; // Timing

{32.2833 Second, Null}

Not too bad. Next, we double both dimensions:

T = Array[Random[] &, {1000, 1000}];

func[T]; // Timing

{388.433 Second, Null}

Quite a big jump. Now

T = Array[Random[] &, {3000, 3000}];

func[T]; // Timing

Mathematica 4.1 for Macintohs runs out of memory immediately (the Kernel had
350 megabytes). So unless someone can come up with a code that is much more
memory efficient it looks like you may be out of luck.

Andrzej Kozlowski
Toyama International University

on 01.2.17 5:30 PM, Bedrosian Baol at Bedrosian at wrote:

> Hi
> this is the problem: I have a n x m matrix (with n and m ~3000 elements or
> more)
> a1 a2 a3..
> b1 b2 b3..
> c1 c2 c3..
> . . .
> . . .
> the algorythm is: compute the summ of the the a1, a2, b1 and b2 elements (a
> ''gliding box'' 2x2), shifing the ''box'' for 1 column and repeat the sum of
> the elements (now a2, a3, b2, b3), and so on...
> at the and of the first line, the box return on the second line and
> repeat...
> the final resuls would be another matrix like this:
> [a1+a2+b1+b2] [a2+a3+b2+b3]...
> [b1+b2+c1+c2] [b2+b3+c2+c3]...
> ...
> I'm not very experienced with Math4: there is a simple and easy way for
> reach 
> the result?
> thanks
> Bed

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