Re: motion-path and spline-arc-length
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg29277] Re: motion-path and spline-arc-length
- From: "Carl K. Woll" <carlw at>
- Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2001 03:09:05 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: University of Washington
- References: <9fq1iu$qam$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Pier, Recently, David Park asked essentially the same question, and you can see their solution on the thread Inverse Interpolating Functions. As an alternative to their approach, I am proposing a completely different solution (which naturally I like better). The basic idea is to turn your question into a differential equation. Mathematica's NDSolve function numerically solves differential equations, and returns InterpolatingFunctions, which is just what the doctor ordered. In your example we have the following problem: Given y-f[x[y]]==0, what is x? Simply differentiate with respect to the dependent variable, which in this case is y, yielding 1-f'[x[y]]x'[y]==0. This is a differential equation for the function x[y], so we can use NDSolve. The only thing missing is an initial condition. Of course, if the inverse of the function f is multivalued, there will be multiple possible initial conditions. So, we need to supply an initial condition. A function which takes these ideas and puts them together follows: NInverse[f_, {x0_, y0_}, {y_, min_, max_}, opts___?OptionQ] := NDSolve[{1 - f'[x[y]]x'[y] == 0, x[y0] == x0}, x, {y, min, max}, opts] In the above function, f should be a pure function, although this is not absolutely necessary. The point {x0,y0} is the initial condition, and the function f should satisfy f[x0]==y0. The "dependent variable" y will range from min to max. The options should be those expected by NDSolve. Obviously, a little bit more work can be done to make the function a bit more bullet proof. Typically, NDSolve will yield an accuracy (precision) of 6 decimal places, so if more accuracy is desired, a more accurate PrecisionGoal and AccuracyGoal can be given as options to the function NInverse. As a trivial example, suppose one wanted to invert the equation y=x^2. In this case f is #^2&. So, we would use NInverse as follows: In[52]:= NInverse[#^2 &, {2, 4}, {y, 1, 9}] Out[52]= {{x -> InterpolatingFunction[{{1., 9.}}, <>]}} In[53]:= Plot[%[[1,1,2]][t]-Sqrt[t],{t,1,9},PlotRange->All] I have deleted the Plot output, but it shows that the difference between the solution and Sqrt[t] is smaller than 3 10^-5. If more precision were desired, then one could try: In[54]:= NInverse[#^2 &, {2, 4}, {y, 1, 9}, AccuracyGoal -> 10, PrecisionGoal -> 10] Out[54]= {{x -> InterpolatingFunction[{{1., 9.}}, <>]}} In[55]:= Plot[%[[1,1,2]][t]-Sqrt[t],{t,1,9},PlotRange->All] Here the difference is less than 5 10^-9. NInverse will work fine with InterpolatingFunctions. For example, if one sets f=FunctionInterpolation[x^2,{x,1,4}]; and tries In[62]:= NInverse[f,{2,4},{y,1,9},AccuracyGoal->10,PrecisionGoal->10] Out[62]= {{x -> InterpolatingFunction[{{1., 9.}}, <>]}} You get back the same InterpolatingFunction as before. As a side note, a package that I wrote and posted a while ago defining a function called ImplicitSolve will take any set of N equations in N+1 unknowns, and return interpolating functions for N of the unknowns in terms of the final unknown. The function NInverse is just a simplified version of ImplicitSolve. Carl Woll Physics Dept U of Washington "Pier" <piviere at> wrote in message news:9fq1iu$qam$1 at > Hi > I'm developping an animation software ... > I've a spline (3rd degree) say Sp(t) > well i would like to know if i can find a function that calculates > the parameter t, given the distance travelled s=Sp(t). > Something related to Arc-length. > > Thank in advance to all help me. Bye, Pier > >