Re: ScatterPlot3D/Plot3D
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg28702] Re: ScatterPlot3D/Plot3D
- From: "Allan Hayes" <hay at>
- Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 07:54:47 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <> <9d85l2$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Peter, The main problem seems to be that Graphics3D calculates which points will obscure others. The time taken for this is proportional to the square of the number of points - it grows rapidly. The preliminary code below tackles this by projecting the points onto a plane and making a 2D display of this. The time taken should be proportional to the number of points. The user can style the points with a style function, sf say, that receives four inputs: sf[d, x, y,z] where d is the distance from the viewpoint and x,y z are the original coordinates. There is an option to have these inputs scaled to 0 to 1 from min to max. When this styling is used, covering up is obtained by listing the points by distance from the viewpoint, closest last. EXAMPLES Here are some examples and timings (displays deleted) --- please evaluate the code before evaluating them yourself. dat = Flatten[Table[{x,y,2-x^2+y^2},{x,-1.,1.,.02},{y,-1.,1.,.02}],1]; Developer`ClearCache[]; gr=FlatScatterPlot3D[dat];//Timing {4.73 Second,Null} Developer`ClearCache[]; gr=FlatScatterPlot3D[dat, StyleFunction->Function[{d,x,y,z},GrayLevel[.9 d]]];//Timing {14.55 Second,Null} Developer`ClearCache[]; gr=FlatScatterPlot3D[dat, StyleFunction->Function[{d,x,y,z},Hue[.67 y]] ];//Timing {15.77 Second,Null} <<Graphics`Graphics3D` Developer`ClearCache[]; ScatterPlot3D[dat];//Timing {111.34, Null]} Developer`ClearCache[]; Show[Graphics3D[Point/@dat]];//Timing {89.31 Second, Null} Developer`ClearCache[]; ParametricPlot3D[{x,y,2-x^2+y^2},{x,-1,1},{y,-1,1}];//Timing {5.55 Second, Null} CODE Clear[FlatScatterPlot3D] Options[FlatScatterPlot3D] = Union[Options[Graphics], Options[Graphics3D], {StyleFunction -> Automatic, StyleFunctionScaling -> True}]; SetOptions[FlatScatterPlot3D, ViewCenter -> Automatic, ViewPoint -> Automatic, ViewVertical -> Automatic]; FlatScatterPlot3D[lst_, opts___?OptionQ] := Module[{sf, sfsc, plotrange, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz, rangelengths, vc, vp, vv, un, cp, vx, vy, projnfn, projn, mind, maxd, scd, scx, scy, scz, fin}, {sf, sfsc} = {StyleFunction, StyleFunctionScaling} /. Flatten[{opts}] /. Options[FlatScatterPlot3D]; plotrange = {{minx, maxx}, {miny, maxy}, {minz, maxz}} = Transpose[ {Min /@ # , Max /@ #} &[Transpose[lst]]]; plotrange = Replace[plotrange, {{a_, a_} :> a + {-1.025, 1.025}, {a_, b_} :> {a , b} + (b - a) {-0.025, 0.025}}, {1}] // Chop; rangelengths = plotrange.{-1, 1}; {vc, vp, vv} = {ViewCenter, ViewPoint, ViewVertical} /. Flatten[{opts}] /. Options[FlatScatterPlot3D]; If[vc == Automatic, vc = Tr[lst, Plus, 1]/Length[lst] // Chop]; If[vp == Automatic, vp = (vc + {1.3, -2.4, 2} Max[rangelengths]) // Chop]; If[vv == Automatic, vv = {0, 0, 1}]; un[v_] := v/Sqrt[v.v]; cp = un[vp - vc]; vx = Chop[ un[Cross[vv, cp]]]; vy = Chop[un[ Cross[cp, vx]]]; (*the projection function adds additional information when needed for \ styling*) projn = If[sf === Automatic, projnfn = Compile[{x, y, z}, Evaluate[Chop[Expand[{#.vx, #.vy} &[{x, y, z} - vc]]]] ]; projnfn @@@ lst , projnfn = Compile[{x, y, z}, Evaluate[ Chop[Expand[{Sqrt[#2.#2], x, y, z, #.vx, #.vy} &[{x, y, z} - vc, {x, y, z} - vp]]]] ]; Reverse[Sort[projnfn @@@ lst]] ]; (*scaling functions*) If[ sfsc === True && sf =!= Automatic, (mind = Min[#]; maxd = Max[#]) &[projn[[All, 1]]]; scd = Compile[t, Evaluate[(t - mind)/(maxd - mind)]]; scx = Compile[t, Evaluate[(t - minx)/(maxx - minx)]];; scy = Compile[t, Evaluate[(t - miny)/(maxy - miny)]];; scz = Compile[t, Evaluate[(t - minz)/(maxz - minz)]];; ] (* final conversion*) Which[ sf === Automatic, fin[{px_, py_}] := Point[{px, py}], ! sfsc , fin[{d_, x_, y_, z_, px_, py_}] := Flatten[{sf[d, x, y, z], Point[{px, py}]}], sfsc , Attributes[fin] = {HoldAll};(*scale only used entries*) fin[{d_, x_, y_, z_, px_, py_}] := Flatten[{sf[ scd[d], scx[x], scy[y], scz[z]], Point[{px, py}]}] ]; Show[Graphics[fin /@ projn], AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotRange -> All] ] -- Allan --------------------- Allan Hayes Mathematica Training and Consulting Leicester UK hay at Voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198 Fax: +44 (0)870 164 0565 "peter lindsay" <pl at> wrote in message news:9d85l2$84r at > Thanks Jerry, (and to the others who took time to think about my question) , > but I think ListSurfacePlot only works only on regular coordinate spacing? > Correct me if I'm wrong. > > My Mathematica code looks like this: > > In[1]:= > SetDirectory["c:\Documents and Settings\P. Lindsay\DESKTOP\alanr"]; > In[2]:= > t=Table[ReadList["cpp_smlX.txt",Number,RecordLists -> True]]; > > In[3]:= > ScatterPlot3D[t,BoxRatios->{10,10,10},Axes->True, > AxesLabel->{"fair","num","ratio"},ViewPoint->{3.0,2.5,0.3}] > > > > and works but is incredibly slow ( pc 450Mz 190Mb ram, Mathematica 3 ). My Mac Cube > ( 300 Mb ram, Mathematica 4 ) wont even look at the problem - just hangs up. Any > thoughts about why?. Tried fiddling with kernel memory allocation. The > competition ( vs 6 ) works easily ( pointplot3D ) on either platform but not > yet for surface plot. > > Can I get a surface plot of the data in "cpp_smlX.txt" - remembering that > the data is non-linear spacing ? > > Thanks for your thoughts, > > > > Peter Lindsay > > > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Blimbaum Jerry DLPC" <BlimbaumJE at> To: mathgroup at > Subject: [mg28702] RE: ScatterPlot3D/Plot3D > > > > You might want to use plots a matrix of > > points in 3D as a surface... > > > > jerry blimbaum NSWC Panama City, Fl > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: peter lindsay [mailto:pl at] To: mathgroup at > > Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 12:12 AM > > To: mathgroup at > > Subject: [mg28702] ScatterPlot3D/Plot3D > > > > > > Hi, > > > > simple one this probably: > > > > I've got ~ 10,000 coordinates (x, y, z) in a text file. The coordinates > are > > not linearly spaced and I want to see how they look on a 3D plot. > > > > I'm struggling a bit with the syntax, book 4 is remarkaby unhelpful about > > scatterplot3d. > > > > Any advice appreciated, > > > > Thanks, > > > > Peter Lindsay > > > > > >