Help With MathLink
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg28951] Help With MathLink
- From: "Ersek, Ted R" <ErsekTR at>
- Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 00:43:38 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
You may remember the RootSearch program I discussed several weeks ago. So far I only had a little time to work on it .... I want to do most of the work in C and I am having trouble with MathLink. I will make the program more elegant once I get it working. In the Mathematica I define: In[1]:= f = Sin; (* Eventually Rootsearch will automatically define f in a privat context. *) SampleFunction[x_]:= With[ {y=N[f[x]] }, If[ MachineNumberQ[y], {x, y, 1.0}, {x, 99.0, 0.0} ] ] (*************************) Then I get the following results: In[2]:= Install[ "rootsearch" ] Out[2]= LinkObject[.\rootsearch.exe,2,2] In[3]:= RootSearch[ Sin[x], {x, 2.0, 3.0}] Out[3]= {{0. , 0. , 0. }, {0. , 0. , 0. }} I expected the following output instead. {{2., 0.909297, 1. },{3., 0.14112, 1. }} Please help me get it working. I can email you the related files if it helps. Thank you in advance, Ted Ersek ---------------------------------- My MathLink templete is: /* ----------------------- */ :Begin: :Function: root_search :Pattern: RootSearch[func_,{x_Symbol,x0_Real,x1_Real}] :Arguments: { x0, x1} :ArgumentTypes: { Real, Real } :ReturnType: Manual :End: /* ------------------------- */ My source code is: /* ------------------------- */ #include "mathlink.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "stdio.h" void sample_function( double x, double *result); extern void root_search(double x0, double x1); void root_search(double x0, double x1) { int total_samples=0; int dimensions[2]; char *heads[2]; long depth=2; double *value_array; value_array=(double*)calloc(24,sizeof(double)); sample_function(x0,value_array); total_samples++; sample_function(x1,value_array+3); total_samples++; dimensions[0]=2; dimensions[1]=3; heads[0]=heads[1]="List"; MLPutRealArray(stdlink,value_array,dimensions,heads,depth); return; } void sample_function( double x, double *result ) { long three=3; MLPutFunction(stdlink,"EvaluatePacket",1); MLPutFunction(stdlink,"SampleFunction",1); MLPutDouble(stdlink,x); MLEndPacket(stdlink); MLNextPacket(stdlink); MLGetRealList(stdlink,&result,&three); MLDisownRealList(stdlink,result,three); return; }