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Re: ColorFunction for ListPlot3D, ListContourPlot or ListDensityPlot ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg28985] Re: ColorFunction for ListPlot3D, ListContourPlot or ListDensityPlot ?
  • From: Daniel Reeves <dreeves at>
  • Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 04:07:01 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Here's what I use:
  ColorFunction -> (If[# <= 0, Hue[0, 0, 0], Hue[- .83 * # + .67]]&)

You may want just the else part of the If, which shades from dark blue
(lowest) to bright pink (highest).
As is, it makes the very lowest values black.

--    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    -- 
Daniel Reeves     

--- \/   FROM Joerg Christoffers AT 01.05.23 02:05 (Yesterday)   \/ ---

> Dear NewsGroup !
> I have a list of data. Maybe it is not important but the data represents
> measuring values on a 6" silicon wafer. The chips on the slice have an x and
> y coordinate and each chip gives a special voltage as value.
> I now would like to visualize the values over the wafer coordinates.
> My list looks like this:
> mylist = {{Ux1y1, Ux2y1, Ux3y1,...Ux50y1},{Ux1y2, Ux2y2,
> Ux3y2,...Ux50y2},{Ux1y3, Ux2y3, Ux3y3,...Ux50y3},...,{Ux1y50, Ux2y50,
> Ux3y50,...Ux50y50}}
> where Ux1y1 means the voltage of the chip on wafer position x=1 y=1. The
> voltage should be used as the z value for the 3D plot. In other words I
> could use one of these functions for visualization:
> ListPlot3D[]
> ListContourPlot[]
> ListDensityPlot[]
> My question: How do I get good looking color fades ?
> E.g. from dark brown over yellow to green (like a terrain map) or
> from red over yellow to green or
> the full spectrum from infrared to ultraviolet ?
> Of course I tried e.g. ListDensityPlot[mylist, Mesh -> False,
> ColorFunction -> (RGBColor[Mod[#, 1], 0, 0] &)]
> But I don't know how (and in which order) to modify the RGB values to get a
> nice fade. I would like to have an algorithm that gets the minimum and
> maximum value of my data, counts the number of values in the list, and then
> does an optimal scaling of the desired color range.
> Best regards,
> Joerg.Christoffers at

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