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Re: Some advanced formatting options.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg30899] Re: [mg30848] Some advanced formatting options.
  • From: Omega Consulting <omega_consulting at>
  • Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 02:16:42 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

At 02:51 AM 9/20/2001, Dustin wrote:
>I am putting some finishing touches on my thesis (written completely in
>Mathematica) and would like to know how to do a couple of things. I am
>using StyleSheet->ArticleClassic in Mathematica 3.0
>1. Numbered figure cells automatically say "Fig (n)" below them. I would
>like to put this label in the form "Fig (n) -- explanation of figure".

The default behavior is caused by the following option in the stylesheet

CellFrameLabels->{{None, None}, {
           Cell[TextData[ {"Figure ", CounterBox[ "NumberedFigure"]}],
            FontWeight -> "Bold"], None}}

If you want each figure to have different text, then you must apply a 
different option to each cell. For example,

CellFrameLabels->{{None, None}, {
           Cell[TextData[ {"Figure ", CounterBox[ "NumberedFigure"],
           "-- This figure is different."}],
            FontWeight -> "Bold"], None}}

This can be set with the Option Inspector (Cell Options/Cell Frame 
Options/Cell FrameLabels).

>2. Is there a way to make references to the number of the page a cell is
>on ? This would save me a lot of trouble writing the table of contents.

For the page of the current cell, the page number is given by 
CounterBox["Page"]. For a different cell it is CounterBox["Page", "tag"] 
where "tag" is the CellTag for that cell. There is a menu that pastes these 
CounterBoxes (Input/Create Automatic Numbering object).

>3. Whenever I try to turn the "Left and Right Pages" option off in the
>pop up menue  File/Printing Settings/Headers and Footers, it turns
>itself on again automatically. This does not happen when I change any of
>the other settings. I need to do this since I am only printing on the
>front of each page. Should I try editing the document as a text file and
>changing this option manually or is it permanently set this way for this
>particular Style Sheet ?

>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>Dustin Soodak

Omega Consulting
"The final answer to your Mathematica needs"

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