Re: Interval arithmetic, of a sort
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg33789] Re: [mg33721] Interval arithmetic, of a sort
- From: "Fred Simons" <f.h.simons at>
- Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 03:50:46 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Mark, The problem can also be solved recursively. We define a function with two arguments. The first argument is the interval on which we want to define which parts of the list of intervals in the second argument are visible. We construct the (possibly empty) intersection of the first argument with the highest interval of the second argument, that part is visible. Then to the left and to the right of this intersection we find two (possibly empty) intervals on which we have to determine which part of the rest of the second argument is visible. Here is an implementation: In[70]:= visibleintervals[intervals_] := Module[{f}, f[{a_, b_}, _] /; a\[GreaterEqual]b := Sequence[]; f[{a_, b_}, n_Integer ] := {n, {a, b}}; f[{a_, b_}, {}] := {0, {a, b}}; f[{a_, b_}, {{c_, d_}, e___}] := Sequence[f[{a, Max[a,c]}, {e}], f[{Max[a,c], Min[b, d]}, Length[{e}]+1], f[{Min[b, d],b}, {e}]]; {f[ {Min[First/@intervals], Max[Last/@intervals]}, Reverse[intervals]]} ] In[71]:= visibleintervals[{{0, 100}, {2,3}, {1,20}, {15, 30}}] Out[71]= {{1,{0,2}},{3,{1,15}},{4,{15,30}},{1,{3,100}}} In[72]:= visibleintervals[ {{0,2}, {4, 10}}] Out[72]= {{1,{0,2}},{0,{2,4}},{2,{4,10}}} Regards, Fred Simons Eindhoven University of Technology