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Redefing a Numberedfigure-Style in a MyReport Style Sheet

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg33791] Redefing a Numberedfigure-Style in a MyReport Style Sheet
  • From: Helge Andersson <helge at>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 03:50:50 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Until now I have been using Mathematica just as a tool for calculations and 
datamanipulation. However, lately I've been considering writing reports and 
other documents using the Notebook as a worldprocessor. In some Style 
sheets there are Styles for automatic numbering of equations and figures 
which i would like to use but modify a little bit for my purposes. I have a 
question that came up during my work with changing the format of the 
"Numberedfigure"-Style in the "Report" Style Sheet.

I want to use LEFT adjustment of the figuretext indicataing the number of 
the figure instead of the default Center adjustment. Editing the Style 
Sheet Notebook defing the Style "NumberedFigure" one can see that the 
figurenumber-text is displayed using the CellFrameLabel Option for the main 
Cell.  My question is therefore, Is it possible to left adjust the 
CellFrameLabel  with respect to the whole Cell or is it bound to the center 
of its frames? If the Anser is NO could anyone give me some hints to 
reformulate the Cell definition without using CellFrameLabel option but 
still have the figurenumber-text leftadjusted below the figure. If possible 
I also would like to put some additional text right after the "Figure X" text.


Helge Andersson
Chalmers University of Technology

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