Re: Setting up dummy variables
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg35879] Re: [mg35813] Setting up dummy variables
- From: "Johannes Ludsteck" <johannes.ludsteck at>
- Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 06:01:48 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: Universitaet Regensburg
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Dear Chrisopher, here is a simple rough and dirty way to set up functions that use dummy variables. As an example, I set up functions which simulate Sum[...]. The simplest, but inefficient strategy is to use substitution: sumsim0[f_,{dum_Symbol,lo_Integer,up_Integer}]:= Block[{i},Plus@@Table[f/.dum->i,{i,lo,up}]] Evaluation can be increased considerably, if you generate a local Function object using Evaluate, since then the slow pattern substitution can be avoided: sumsim[f_,{dum_Symbol,lo_Integer,up_Integer}]:= Block[{i,ff}, ff=Function[{i},Evaluate[f/.dum->i]]; Plus@@Table[ff[i],{i,lo,up}]] Example: sumsim[f[a,{b,c},d],{a,0,2}] returns f[0,{b,c},d]+f[1,{b,c},d]+f[2,{b,c},d] This is only a rough and dirty implemenation, since it does not account for how f is defined. For example, if the definition of f were f[a,b_]:=(a+b)^2 sumsim[f[a,b],{a,0,2}] would replace 'a' subsequently by 0,1,2 and produce b^2 + (1+b)^2 + (2+b)^2, which is not correct, since there appears no Blank (_) after a in the definition of f and f should be returned unevaluated if its firs argument is not 'a'. You could account for this by using the tests in the following version more sophisticated of the program: SetAttributes[sumsim,HoldFirst] sumsim[f_,{dum_Symbol,lo_Integer,up_Integer}]:= Module[{i,ff,argli=Apply[List,Unevaluated[f]], h=Head[Unevaluated[f]]}, If[TrueQ[Apply[h,argli/.dum->i]==f], ff=Function[{i},Evaluate[f/.dum->i]]; Plus@@Table[ff[i],{i,lo,up}], Plus@@Table[Apply[h,argli/.dum->i],{i,lo,up}]]] Best regards, Johannes Best regards, Johannes On 2 Aug 2002, at 2:41, Christopher Maierle wrote: > Hi all, > > How do I set up a function that behaves like the Mathematica function Sum vis-a-vis > its treatment of dummy variables? For example I can define i=6 and then > enter > > Sum[f[i],{i,1,n}] > > and mathematica will not make the substitution i->6 even though the output > generally still involves the dummy variable i. I figure this has something > to do with Modules, Blocks, and Holds but I'm not sure how to put it all > together. Any help would be greatly appreciated. > > -chris > <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Johannes Ludsteck Institut fuer Volkswirtschaftslehre Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Moeller Universitaet Regensburg Universitaetsstrasse 31 93053 Regensburg Tel +49/0941/943-2741