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Re: Silly Mathematica button question

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg36148] Re: [mg36139] Silly Mathematica button question
  • From: Rolf Mertig <rolf at>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 21:34:37 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Mertig Consulting
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

evaluating the following gives you a sample "x=x+1" button:

    ButtonBox[\(x = \(x + 1\)\), 
          ValueQ[x]], Set[x, 0]], 
        Set[x, Plus[x, 1]]]], 
      Rule[ButtonEvaluator, Automatic]]
    ], "NotebookDefault", 
   PageBreakAbove -> True, 
   CellTags -> 
ClosingAutoSave -> 
  True, Editable -> False, 
 WindowToolbars -> {}, PageWidth -> 
  299.5, WindowSize -> {89., 29.}, 
 WindowMargins -> {{92., Automatic}, 
   {Automatic, 56.}}, WindowFrame -> 
  "Palette", WindowElements -> {}, 
 WindowFrameElements -> "CloseBox", 
 WindowClickSelect -> False, 
 ScrollingOptions -> 
  {"PagewiseScrolling" -> True}, 
 ShowCellBracket -> False, 
 CellMargins -> {{0., 0.}, 
   {Inherited, 0.}}, Active -> True, 
 CellOpen -> True, ShowCellLabel -> 
  False, ShowCellTags -> False, 
 ImageMargins -> {{0., Inherited}, 
   {Inherited, 0.}}, Magnification -> 

(* ********************************* *)

Now, how do you create such a button in less than a minute? ... :
One way is to just create a section cell and the underlying "ButtonFunction" 
code as input cells, i.e., type interactively such that you get something 
      {Cell["x=x+1", "Section"], 
       Cell["If[!ValueQ[x], x=0]", 
        "Input"], Cell["x=x+1", 
        "Input"]}, Open]]}]]

Then hit the "F2B" (function to Button) button in ButtonTools.nb ( my freeware
button tools from ) and you get the button.
With the "HP" and "VP" you can easily and quickly generate (horizontally or
verically) palettes. Check out the "Help" button, or also the source code.

It basically is all straightforward and there is actually documentation about 
all those ButtonFunction features somewhere. I agree that the whole 
Button-design could have been made better, but up to a point is quite useful. 
Of course the world is used to better GUI's these days but if you really need 
nice GUI's and buttons, use Java and JLink ( and there are also simple 
examples in the JLink manual of how to do this ).
If you don't like Java, go with VBA and use the nice "Mahematica for Active X"
product from


Rolf Mertig

Mertig Consulting

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