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Linebreaks and style when saving as TeX

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg32807] Linebreaks and style when saving as TeX
  • From: Johan Simon Seland <johans at>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 01:43:21 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I am trying to include a rather small ~50 line notebook in a LaTeX
document. I use "Save as special"->TeX and save the notebook.

When I run latex on the notebook the result is not good.
The main problem is that it is to aggressive inserting linebreaks in the
.tex source file. An expression like

[1] = m[T_,t_] := Position[T,_?(# > t &),1,1][[1]][[1]] - 1 

is broken into three lines. Like this.

\mu [\Mvariable{\ScriptCapitalT \_},\Mvariable{t\_}]:=  \\
\hspace{1.em} \Mfunction{Position}[\ScriptCapitalT ,\_?(\#>t\&),  \\
\hspace{5.em} 1,1][[1]][[1]]-1\\

I also have some fractions in my notebook. I would like them to be saved
as \frac{foo}{bar} and not (foo)/(bar) in the tex file. Both foo and bar
are a little complicated, so with the ugly linebreaks it becomes
unreadable. I have managed to do this before.Then it happened

One third question as well. When I have inserted a line break manually
in the frontend, it is saved as \IndentingNewLine in the tex file. This
macro is undefined, just removing it from the sourcefile solves the

I am using Mathematica for Students, 4.1 for Linux and I have downloaded
the latest version of Convert (which includes TeXSave) from wolfram.
This problem happens both with the old and the new TeXSave.

Johan Seland

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