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complexity of AppendTo

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg32943] complexity of AppendTo
  • From: Gerhard Wesp <gwesp at>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 02:06:54 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Department of Computer Science, Salzburg University
  • Reply-to: gwesp at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

% math
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In[1]:= Table[ l = Table[ {} , { n } ] ; 
  Timing[ AppendTo[ l , {} ] ][[1]] , { n , 10^6 , 4*10^6 , 10^6 } ]

Out[1]= {0.5 Second, 1. Second, 1.49 Second, 2. Second}

In[2]:= % / %[[1]]

Out[2]= {1., 2., 2.98, 4.}

obviously, AppendTo takes O(n) time.  why is this?  if List[] is
implemented as a linked list, the complexity should be constant.  and
even for vectors, it is trivial to implement amortized constant time

(for c++ programmers: compare this to std::list<> and std::vector<>, or

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