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How to select all polynomials which have degree greater than a give number out of a list of polynomials!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg35479] How to select all polynomials which have degree greater than a give number out of a list of polynomials!
  • From: "Chekad Sarami" <csarami at>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 04:49:35 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I want to choose from the following list of polynomials ( list s ),

a: =FactorList[Factor[x^63-1, Modulus\[Rule]2]]
t :=Table[a[[i,1]],{i,Length[a]}]
s :=Union[Flatten[

            t[[3]]^x3 t[[ 4]]^x4   t[[5]]^x5 t[[ 6]]^x6  t[[7]]^x7  t[[ 8]]^
              x8  t[[9]]^x9  t[[ 10]]^x10 t[[11]]^x11  t[[ 12]]^x12 t[[13]]^
              x13  t[[ 14]]^x14,2] ,{x3,0,1}, {x4 ,0,1},{x5,0,1}, {x6 ,0,
          1},{x7,0,1}, {x8 ,0,1},{x9,0,1}, {x10 ,0,1},{x11,0,1}, {x12 ,0,
          1},{x13,0,1}, {x14 ,0,1}]]
 polynomials of degree greater than 31.

 I wrote these these 2 functions but none of these work.


1. Using Recursion on list

If[Exponent[s[[w]],x]>31,Append[v, {}],Append[v, s[[w]]]];


2. Using While

While[Exponent[s[[w]],x]>31,v=Append[v, s[[w]]]; i++ ];


Does anybody have an idea to do this?

Thanks a lot for your help

Best regards

Department of Mathematical Sciences
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI 49931
Phone:    906-487-1990
Office:    Widmair Bld. CRI
email:   csarami at
Fax:    906-487-3313

Sometimes out light goes out but is blown into flame by
another human being. Each of us owes our deepest thanks
to those who have rekindled this light,
--- Albert Schweitzer ---

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