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Re: Problems with simulating society ch4 section 4.3

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg35546] Re: Problems with simulating society ch4 section 4.3
  • From: "Katherine Geel" <katherine at>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 03:06:55 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <ah3305$t1r$>
  • Reply-to: "Katherine Geel" <katherine at>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I have now managed to sort out my problem, however I still cannot get the
graphical plot to run for either of these two simulations. If anyone has any
ideas as to why MultipleListPLots sometimes just hang without giving any
indication, could you please let me know.
Katherine Geel
This is the attempted plot:
avgResourceLevel[lat_, strat_] :=
    (Apply[Plus, #]/Length[#]) &[
      Cases[lat, {_, _, strat, _, x_} :> x, 2]];
<< Graphics`Graphics`
<< Graphics`MultipleListPlot`
  Map[avgResourceLevel[#, 1] &, results],
  Map[avgResourceLevel[#, 0] &, results],
  SymbolShape -> None,
  PlotJoined -> True,
  PlotLegend -> {"Good Guy", "Bad Guy"},
  AxesLabel -> {"Time", "Resource Level"},
  LegendShadow -> {-0.05, -0.05}]

"Katherine Geel" <katherine at> wrote in message
news:ah3305$t1r$1 at
> Hi
> I am hoping that someone can help me as I am fairly desperate for an
> I am attempting to do two things: one to run a simulation from the gaylord
> and d'andria book "simulating society", the one on page89, section 4.3.
> some unknown reason the simulation runs, however the graphical plot just
> hangs for ever and ever. My computer does have the necessary power so I
> don't know what the problem is. The second thing I am trying to do is run
> own (partly) simulation of the repeated prisoner's dilemma, with two
> Tit-for-tat players and defectors, and have the two types interact, then
> change their type depending on the average payoff in their immediate Moore
> neighbourhood, and then walk. For some reason I get the following error
> which I have no idea how to get rid of ( this is why I am attempting to
> the section 4.3 simulation as it does something similar).
> I've attached the code of section 4.3 on the off chance someone knows what
> the problem is.
> [Contact the author to get the code - moderator]
> Thanks
> Katherine Geel

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