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Re: GraphicsArray: same width, different height ? 360deg-fly around a surface

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg35639] Re: GraphicsArray: same width, different height ? 360deg-fly around a surface
  • From: "Allan Hayes" <hay at>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 02:05:59 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <ahiv8q$gla$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Instead of GraphicsArray put your graphics into Rectangles of appropriate
positions, sizes, and shapes (apect ratio close to that of the contained
graphic) and Show them together.


Allan Hayes
Mathematica Training and Consulting
Leicester UK
hay at
Voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198
Fax: +44 (0)870 164 0565

"stef" <stefaniekuschel at> wrote in message
news:ahiv8q$gla$1 at
> Dear experts,
>  How can I force mathemathica41 to make graphics in a column of same
>  width but different height?
>  By default, mathematica gives two cells on top of each other the same
>  height, but arranges the width such that both cells fit in the column
>  width.
>  This results in a horizontal sequeezing/scaling of cells which I would
>  like to omit.
>  Here is an example:
>  Single output of both plots one after to the other just looks fine,
>  but when they enter in an GraphicsArray[], the automatic scaling
>  squeezes the lower cell width instead of stretching its height.
>  >>>> demo start : just cut and paste into a new .nb >>>>>>>>>>
>  \!\(\(\( (*\
>  demo\ starts\ here\ *) \)\(\[IndentingNewLine]\)\(\("\<two single
>  plots \
>  are shown here:\>"\)\(\[IndentingNewLine]\)
>  \(table1\ =
>  ListPlot3D[
>  Table[Sin[x\ y], {x, 0, \(3 Pi\)\/2, Pi\/15}, {y, 0, \(3
>  Pi\)\/2,
>  Pi\/15}], \ PlotRange\ -> {0, \ 0.25},
>  Axes\ -> \ {None, \ None, \ None}, \
>  ViewPoint\ -> \ \ {5, \(-2.5\), 0.6},
>  BoxRatios\ -> \ {10, 10, 1.25}];\)\(\[IndentingNewLine]\)
>  \(table2\ = \
>  ListPlot3D[
>  Table[Sin[x\ y], {x, 0, \(3 Pi\)\/2, Pi\/15}, {y, 0, \(3
>  Pi\)\/2,
>  Pi\/15}], \ PlotRange\ -> {\(-1\), \ 0}, \
>  Axes\ -> \ {None, \ None, \ None},
>  ViewPoint\ -> \ {5, \(-2.5\), 1},
>  BoxRatios\ -> \ {10, 10, 5}];\)\(\[IndentingNewLine]\)
>  \("\<and this is how they look whend combined into an
>  graphicsarray:\>"\)\(\
>  \[IndentingNewLine]\)
>  \(table3\ = {{table1}, {table2}};\)\(\[IndentingNewLine]\)
>  \(Show[GraphicsArray[
>  table3, \ \ GraphicsSpacing\ -> \
>  0]];\)\(\[IndentingNewLine]\)
>  \("\<My question is: how to make cells in an graphics array to same
>  width \
>  (but different height) ? Mathematicas default is: same height, but
>  different \
>  widths.\>"\)\(\[IndentingNewLine]\)
>  \( (*\ demo\ ends\ here*) \)\)\)\)
>  >>>> demo end >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>  Playing around with TableForm[] or RowsEqual-> or ImageSize-> didn't
>  help so far. For all those of you that might have similar problems
>  with plotting graphics:
>  there are good support-procedures on the David-Park-homepage
>  But I couldn't find a solution for my problem.
>  My general purpose is to generate an animated GIF, which shows a
>  360-degree-fly-around a surface plot, that is cut into two parts
>  at some z-value (this visualizes threshold effects on surfaces).
>  Interested people can get a copy of my *.nb
>  I carefully browsed through TMB and F1HELP for GraphicsArray-Options
>  (well I think that F1 is pretty poor on these specific subjects),
>  and of course also this newsgroup, but I couln't find the magic trick
>  sought for.
>  Thanks for your help in advance
>  Bye
>  Stef

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