Re: Re: Full text of the current warning message(s)
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg33450] Re: Re: Full text of the current warning message(s)
- From: Vladimir Bondarenko <vvb at>
- Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 09:28:20 -0500 (EST)
- Reply-to: Vladimir Bondarenko <vvb at>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Dear Mr Ersek, Thank you very much for your prompt, almost immediate help. Your solution looks very nice, and it *does* reproduce all the required messages (none of them is lost). However, it looks like that your piece of code also quoted up to dozen warning messages which were absent at the computation of the original input, Integrate[ArcTan[1 - Sqrt[1 - z^(-1)]], {z, -1, 1}]; such as # 1 (absent at the original computation) Infinity::"indet": "Indeterminate expression 0 (- Infinity)encountered." # 2 (absent at the original computation) Solve::"tdep": "The equations appear to involve the variables to be solved \ for in an essentially non-algebraic way." # 3 (absent at the original computation) Solve::"ifun": "Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found." # 4 (absent at the original computation) Infinity::"indet": "Indeterminate expression 0 Infinity encountered." # 5 (absent at the original computation) Power::"infy": "Infinite expression 1/0^2 encountered." # 6 (absent at the original computation) Power::"infy": "Infinite expression 1/0 encountered." # 7 (absent at the original computation) ArcTan::"indet": "Indeterminate expression ArcTan[0, 0] encountered." etc How could I cut off these spurious messages, and get only 4 warning messages which came during the actual evaluation (3 $MaxExtraPrecision::"meprec", and 1 General::"stop") ? Regards, Vladimir Bondarenko P.S. Here is my input, cell by cell. ***************************************************************************************** (* Cell # 1 *) MyMessageList[_Integer] := Hold[]; $ModifyMessage = True; Unprotect[Message]; Message[args__] /; $ModifyMessage := Block[{$ModifyMessage}, If[MyMessageList[$Line] === Hold[], MyMessageList[$Line] = Hold[Message[args];], (*else*) MyMessageList[$Line] = Insert[MyMessageList[$Line], Unevaluated[Message[args]], {1, -2}]]; Message[args]]; Protect[Message]; .......................................................................... (* Cell # 2 *) Integrate[ArcTan[1-Sqrt[1-z^(-1)]],{z,-1,1}]; .......................................................................... (* Cell # 3 *) messgs = MyMessageList[6]; .......................................................................... (* Cell # 4 *) ReleaseHold[messgs] ..........................................................................