Re: Split Polynom into Sum of Monomials
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg34093] Re: Split Polynom into Sum of Monomials
- From: "Carl K. Woll" <carlw at>
- Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 03:49:39 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: University of Washington
- References: <aaomce$efv$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Hi Detlef, I wrote up a function that will do what you want a while ago: In[1]:= ExpandedCollect[expr_, vars_, h_:Identity] := Module[{sub}, Expand[Collect[expr, vars, sub]] /. sub -> h] For your example, we have In[2]:= L = {x, n}; In[3]:= f = (a + b + n + x)*n; In[6]:= ExpandedCollect[f, L] Out[6]= 2 n + (a + b) n + x n As written, ExpandedCollect has an added bit of functionality (similar to Collect) where an optional third argument can be included. This third argument will be applied to each of the coefficients of the monomials. For example: In[7]:= ExpandedCollect[f, L, g] Out[7]= 2 g[1] n + x g[1] n + g[a + b] n This option can be useful if you want to, for example, simplify the coefficients, where instead of g you would use Simplify. Carl Woll Physics Dept U of Washington "Detlef Mueller" <dmueller at> wrote in message news:aaomce$efv$1 at > Hello, > > I have the following Problem: > > Given a Set of Variables, i.e. > L = {x,n}, > > I want transform a given expression, polynomial > in theese variables, say > f = (a+b+n+x)*n > > into Monomials in the given Variables, here > > f = (a+b+n+x)*n -> (a+b) n + n^2 + x n > > is desired. > > The Problem is, that > Expand[f, x_ /; MemberQ[L, x]] yields > > a n + b n + n^2 + n x > > which is "too expanded", while > > Collect[f, x_ /; MemberQ[L, x]] yields > > n\^2 + n(a + b + x) > > But this is "not expanded enough", because > collect works recursively. So I didn't find > an implemented Command doing the thing. > > (The whole thing is a bit timecritical, large > polynomials may appear, and the Command will > be used frequently). > > Any Ideas? > > Greetings > Detlef >