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RE: Re: Tough Limit

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg34273] RE: [mg34252] Re: [mg34235] Tough Limit
  • From: "DrBob" <majort at>
  • Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 05:54:17 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: <drbob at>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Disregard MY earlier answer.  I was all wet!


-----Original Message-----
From: Vladimir Bondarenko [mailto:vvb at] 
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg34273] [mg34252] Re: [mg34235] Tough Limit

Dear James,

You may wish to consider Mathematica as the greatest mathematical
encyclopaedia ever created. You have just run across a typo ;-)

I am afraid, the package NLimit has been designed incorrectly.
If you will have a close look at its code (NLimit.m) you see that
it does not use the fundamental concept of interval.

That is why the answer you get from NSolve for your limit is
a howler.

In fact, the answer to your limit is  Interval[{-1/Pi, 1/Pi}] ,
that is approximately Interval[{-0.318308, 0.318308}].

The simplest way to see it might be to look at this sequence

Table[Plot[Binomial[-1/2, n]*Sqrt[n*Pi], {n, 10^k, 2 10^k}], {k, 1, 4}]

By the way, absence of interval concept makes the difference
between the Calculus`Limit` and NumericalMath`NLimit` packages.
The former uses the notion of interval (but, alas, not always can
apply it successfully, as in the following example)

Limit[Sin[z], z -> Infinity]

   Interval[{-1, 1}]

<< Calculus`Limit`
Limit[Sin[z], z -> Infinity]



Vladimir Bondarenko


rjmilazzo at (RJMilazzo) writes:

Can anyone suggest how I can use Mathematica to get the following limit:

limit ( Binomial [-1/2  ,n ] * Sqrt[ n* Pi ] ) as n-> Infinity

I have tried both Calculus`Limit` and the standard Limit functions. I
verify with NLimit that this limit equals  approximately 1. I don't
think that
this is rigorous enough for a proof.

rjmilazzo at

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