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RE: Does Mathematica calculate really so long?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg34386] RE: [mg34361] Does Mathematica calculate really so long?
  • From: David.Annetts at
  • Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 06:31:26 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi Andrei,

> I began to use Mathematica some monthes ago. And already I have small
> problems. I make about 250x10000 Monte-Carlo Simulations. My programme
> calculates it about 2 hours. Is it really so long? Maybe it's a
> mistake of my programm. Und there are some tricks to make a
> calculation more quick?

No one will know unless you post either the entire code, or just an excerpt
which isolates the bottleneck.

Generally, you should be staying away from Do[...], For[...] and other
favourites, employing Map[...] and similar functions wherever possible.

That said, it might be that you're better off with F90/C++/<any compiled
code> than Mathematica for certain parts of your calculations.


  Dr. David Annetts             EM Modelling Analyst
  Tel: (+612) 9490 5416         CSIRO DEM, North Ryde
  Fax: (+612) 9490 5467         David.Annetts at
                 Include "usual_disclaimers"

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