Re: RE: Newbie-type question: structured data types in Mathematica?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg37538] Re: [mg37533] RE: [mg37521] Newbie-type question: structured data types in Mathematica?
- From: "Hermann Schmitt" <schmitther at>
- Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 02:43:59 -0500 (EST)
- References: <>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Hello, below I show you, how the example of David can be programmed with my OO System for Mathematica. It did really run on my computer ----- Original Message ----- From: "David Park" <djmp at> To: mathgroup at Subject: [mg37538] [mg37533] RE: [mg37521] Newbie-type question: structured data types in Mathematica? > Ken, > > You are rather edging into OO programming, of which there has been some > discussion on this news group in the past week or so. Perhaps there is room > for something like a StructuredData package that would be considerably less > than OO but serve a useful purpose. > > In any case, you could do something like the following where I define a > CircleType data item and a few routines for manipulating it. > > CircleType = {{_, _}, _}; > ConstructCircle[position : {_, _}, radius_] := {position, radius} > GetRadius[circle : CircleType] := Part[circle, 2] > GetPosition[circle : CircleType] := Part[circle, 1] > Attributes[SetRadius] = {HoldFirst}; > SetRadius[circle_][radius_] := (circle = ReplacePart[circle, radius, 2];) > > mycircle = ConstructCircle[{1, 2}, 3]; > > GetRadius[mycircle] > 3 > > GetPosition[mycircle] > {1, 2} > > SetRadius[mycircle][3.5] > GetRadius[mycircle] > 3.5 > > etc. I hope you get some other good discussion of this because it is a very > useful question. > > David Park First, I tried to program as similar to the example of David as possible. But when I chose the function names getRadius and setRadius ( and anlog with Position) I got "spelling checks", therefore I changed the names of the "set " functions. The Class Circle: {"Circle", "parent[] = {}"," status = {{xpos, ypos}, radius}; "," CircleInit[xp_, yp_, rd_] := Module[{}, xpos = xp; ypos = yp; radius = rd; ]; getRadius[] := Return[radius]; setRad[rd_] := radius = rd; getPosition[] := Return[{xpos, ypos}]; setPos[xp_, yp_] := (xpos = xp; ypos = yp;); "} The Program: obj1 = MathNew["Circle", 1, 2, 3]; Print["Radius: ", obj1 @ getRadius[]]; Print["Position: ", obj1 @ getPosition[]]; obj1 @ setRad[3.5]; Print["Radius: ", obj1 @ getRadius[]]; obj1 @ setPos[4, 5]; Print["Position: ", obj1 @ getPosition[]]; The Result: Radius: 3 Position: {1, 2} Radius: 3.5 Position: {4, 5} In[44]:= I programmed a second version of the program, because I thought, that in OO "Position" should be a separate class, because in can be used in many other applications. The program remains the same. The Class "Circle": {"Circle", "parent[] = {\"Position\"}"," status = {radius}; "," CircleInit[xp_, yp_, rd_] := Module[{}, PositionInit[xp, yp]; radius = rd; ]; getRadius[] := Return[radius]; setRad[rd_] := radius = rd; "} The Class "Position": {"Posion", " parent[] = {}", " status = {xpos, ypos}; PositionInit[xp_, yp_] := Module[{}, xpos = xp; ypos = yp; ]; "," getPosition[] := Return[{xpos, ypos}]; setPos[xp_, yp_] := (xpos = xp; ypos = yp;); "} > djmp at > > From: Kenneth McDonald [mailto:kmmcdonald at] To: mathgroup at > To: mathgroup at > > I've been looking for a while, and I can't find a way to create any > sort of structured data type in Mathematica, i.e. one with named fields > that contain other values. Does such a beast exist? > > Thanks for the help, > Ken McDonald > kmmcdonald at > > >
- References:
- RE: Newbie-type question: structured data types in Mathematica?
- From: "David Park" <>
- RE: Newbie-type question: structured data types in Mathematica?