Re: factoring quartic over radicals
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg37069] Re: factoring quartic over radicals
- From: "Allan Hayes" <hay at>
- Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 07:17:27 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <anp0bs$qu0$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Steve The notebook given after NOTEBOOK below contains functions for factoring and partial fractioning. Here is an application to your problem: the first stage avoids our needing to know anything about the answer. fc=FactorR[x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1,x] (1 - (1/2)*(-1 - Sqrt[5])*x + x^2)* (1 - (1/2)*(-1 + Sqrt[5])*x + x^2) Now we need to get rid of Sqrt[5] in terms of GoldenRatio. This is rather messy: Simplify/@(fc/. Sqrt[5]\[Rule]2 GoldenRatio-1) (1 + x - GoldenRatio*x + x^2)*(1 + GoldenRatio*x + x^2) Simplify/@(%/.-GoldenRatio\[Rule] 1/GoldenRatio -1) (1 + x/GoldenRatio + x^2)*(1 + GoldenRatio*x + x^2) Another example PartialFractionsR[(1 + x)x/(1 - 3*x + x^2), x] 1 - (2*(-1 + 4*x))/((3 + Sqrt[5] - 2*x)*(-3 + 2*x)) + (2*(-1 + 4*x))/((-3 + 2*x)*(-3 + Sqrt[5] + 2*x)) Simplify[%] (x*(1 + x))/(1 - 3*x + x^2) NOTEBOOK: to make a notebook from the following, copy from the next line to the line preceding XXX and paste into a new Mathematica notebook. Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Factors and PartialFractions", "Subtitle"], Cell["Allan Hayes, 16 August 2001", "Text"], Cell["\<\ Here are some functions for factoring and expressing in partial \ fractions over the reals and over the complex numbers.\ \>", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ \(Quit\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[{ \(Off[General::spell1, \ General::spell]\), "\n", \(\(FactorC::usage\ = "\<FactorC[poly,x], where poly is a \ polynomial in x with complex coefficients, gives its factorization \ over the complex numbers.\n The output may include Root objects which may be evaluated with \ ToRadicals or N.\>";\)\n\), "\n", \(\(FactorR::usage\ = "\<FactorC[poly,x], where poly is a \ polynomial in x with real coefficients, gives its factorization over \ the reals.\n The output may include Root objects which may be evaluated with \ ToRadicals or N.\>";\)\n\), "\n", \(\(PartialFractionsC::usage\ = "\<PartialFractionsC[ratl,x], \ where ratl is a rational in x with complex coefficients, gives its \ factorization over the complex numbers.\n The output may include Root objects which may be evaluated with \ ToRadicals or N.\>";\)\n\), "\n", \(\(PartialFractionsR::usage\ = "\<PartialFractionsR[ratl,x], \ where ratl is a rational in x with real coefficients, gives its \ factorization over the real numbers.\n The output may include Root objects which may be evaluated with \ ToRadicals or N.\>";\)\), "\n", \(On[General::spell1, \ General::spell]\)}], "Input", InitializationCell->True], Cell[TextData[{ "FactorC[p_, x_] := ", StyleBox["(*over complex numbers*)", FontFamily->"Arial", FontWeight->"Plain"], "\nTimes @@ Cases[Roots[p == 0, x, \n Cubics -> False], u_ == \ v_ -> x - v]\n \nFactorR[p_, x_] := ", StyleBox["(*over reals, coefficients must be real*)", FontFamily->"Arial", FontWeight->"Plain"], "\n (Times @@ Join[Cases[#1, u_ == v_ /; Im[v] == 0 :> \n x \ - v], Cases[#1, u_ == v_ /; Im[v] > 0 :> \n x^2 - x*2*Re[v] + \ Abs[v]^2]] & )[\n Roots[p == 0, x, Cubics -> False]]" }], "Input", InitializationCell->True], Cell[TextData[{ "PartialFractionsC[p_, x_] := ", StyleBox["(*over complex numbers*)", FontFamily->"Arial", FontWeight->"Plain"], "\n(#+Apart[#2/FactorC[#3,x]])&@@Flatten[{PolynomialReduce[#,#2], \ #2}]&[Numerator[#],Denominator[#]]&[Together[p]]\n \n\ PartialFractionsR[p_, x_] := ", StyleBox["(*over reals, coefficients must be real*)", FontFamily->"Arial", FontWeight->"Plain"], "\n(#+Apart[#2/FactorR[#3,x]])&@@Flatten[{PolynomialReduce[#,#2], \ #2}]&[Numerator[#],Denominator[#]]&[Together[p]]" }], "Input", InitializationCell->True], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["PROGRAMMING NOTES", "Subsubsection"], Cell[TextData[{ "The option ", StyleBox["Cubics->False", FontFamily->"Courier"], " is used to keep the roots of cubics in ", StyleBox["Root[....]", FontFamily->"Courier"], " form. This is better for computation.\n", StyleBox["Re[v]", FontFamily->"Courier"], " and ", StyleBox["Abs[v]^2", FontFamily->"Courier"], " are used rather than ", StyleBox["v+Conjugate[v] ", FontFamily->"Courier"], "and ", StyleBox["v*Conjugate[v]", FontFamily->"Courier"], " to prevent ", StyleBox["Apart", FontFamily->"Courier"], " from factorising ", StyleBox["x^2 - x*2*Re[v] + Abs[v]^2]", FontFamily->"Courier"], " back to complex form." }], "Text"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["EXAMPLES", "Subsubsection"], Cell["pol = Expand[(x - 1)*(x + 1)^2*(x^2 + x + 1)^2*(x^2 + 4)]; ", \ "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["f1 = FactorC[pol, x]", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\((\(-1\) + x)\)\ \((\(-2\)\ \[ImaginaryI] + x)\)\ \((2\ \[ImaginaryI] + x)\)\ \((1 + x)\)\^2\ \((\((\(-1\))\)\^\(1/3\) + x)\)\^2\ \ \((\(-\((\(-1\))\)\^\(2/3\)\) + x)\)\^2\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["f2 = FactorR[pol, x]", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\((\(-1\) + x)\)\ \((1 + x)\)\^2\ \((4 + x\^2)\)\ \((1 + x + x\^2)\)\^2\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["f3 = FactorR[x^3 + x + 1, x]", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\((x - Root[1 + #1 + #1\^3 &, 1])\)\ \((x\^2 - 2\ x\ Root[\(-1\) + 2\ #1 + 8\ #1\^3 &, 1] + Root[\(-1\) - #1\^4 + #1\^6 &, 2]\^2)\)\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ Root objects appear because of the option Cubics->False in Roots. We can sometimes get radical forms, but notice the complication.\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["ToRadicals[f3]", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\((\((2\/\(3\ \((\(-9\) + \@93)\)\))\)\^\(1/3\) - \((1\/2\ \ \((\(-9\) + \@93)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\/3\^\(2/3\) + x)\)\ \((1\/3 + 1\/3\ \((29\/2 - \(3\ \@93\)\/2)\)\^\(1/3\) + 1\/3\ \((1\/2\ \((29 + 3\ \@93)\))\)\^\(1/3\) - 2\ \((\((1\/2\ \((9 + \@93)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\/\(2\ \ 3\^\(2/3\)\) - 1\/\(2\^\(2/3\)\ \((3\ \((9 + \ \@93)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\))\)\ x + x\^2)\)\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["Inexact forms can be found, from f3 :", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["N[f3]", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\((\(\(0.6823278038280193`\)\(\[InvisibleSpace]\)\) + x)\)\ \((\(\(1.4655712318767682`\)\(\[InvisibleSpace]\)\) - 0.6823278038280193`\ x + x\^2)\)\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["or directly", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["f3 = FactorR[x^3 + x + 1//N, x]", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\((\(\(0.6823278038280193`\)\(\[InvisibleSpace]\)\) + x)\)\ \((\(\(1.4655712318767682`\)\(\[InvisibleSpace]\)\) - 0.6823278038280193`\ x + x\^2)\)\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["Partial fractions", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["pf1 = PartialFractionsR[(2 + x)/pol, x]", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(1\/\(60\ \((\(-1\) + x)\)\) - 1\/\(10\ \((1 + x)\)\^2\) - 39\/\(100\ \((1 + x)\)\) + \(\(-54\) - 31\ x\)\/\(4225\ \((4 + \ x\^2)\)\) + \(\(-1\) + 3\ x\)\/\(13\ \((1 + x + x\^2)\)\^2\) + \(44 + \ 193\ x\)\/\(507\ \((1 + x + x\^2)\)\)\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["pf2 = PartialFractionsR[(1 + x)x/(1 - 3*x + x^2), x]", \ "Input"], Cell["\<\ 1 - (2*(-1 + 4*x))/((3 + Sqrt[5] - 2*x)*(-3 + 2*x)) + (2*(-1 + 4*x))/((-3 + 2*x)*(-3 + Sqrt[5] + 2*x))\ \>", "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(Simplify[%]\)], "Input"], Cell["(x*(1 + x))/(1 - 3*x + x^2)", "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["Partial fractions will often involve Root objects ", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["pf3 = PartialFractionsR[(1 + x)/(x^3 - x + 1), x]", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\((1 + Root[1 - #1 + #1\^3 &, 1])\)/\((\((x - Root[1 - #1 + #1\^3 &, 1])\)\ \((Root[1 - #1 + #1\^3 &, 1]\^2 - 2\ Root[1 - #1 + #1\^3 &, 1]\ Root[\(-1\) - 2\ #1 + 8\ #1\^3 &, 1] + Root[\(-1\) + #1\^4 + #1\^6 &, 2]\^2)\))\) + \((x + Root[1 - #1 + #1\^3 &, 1] + x\ Root[1 - #1 + #1\^3 &, 1] - 2\ Root[\(-1\) - 2\ #1 + 8\ #1\^3 &, 1] - Root[\(-1\) + #1\^4 + #1\^6 &, 2]\^2)\)/\((\((\(-x\^2\) + 2\ x\ Root[\(-1\) - 2\ #1 + 8\ #1\^3 &, 1] - Root[\(-1\) + #1\^4 + #1\^6 &, 2]\^2)\)\ \((Root[1 - \ #1 + #1\^3 &, 1]\^2 - 2\ Root[1 - #1 + #1\^3 &, 1]\ Root[\(-1\) - 2\ #1 + 8\ #1\^3 &, 1] + Root[\(-1\) + #1\^4 + #1\^6 &, 2]\^2)\))\)\)], \ "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["This can in fact be put in radical form:", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["ToRadicals[pf3]", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\((1 - \((2\/\(3\ \((9 - \@69)\)\))\)\^\(1/3\) - \((1\/2\ \((9 \ - \@69)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\/3\^\(2/3\))\)/\((\((\(-\(1\/3\)\) + 1\/3\ \((25\/2 - \(3\ \@69\)\/2)\)\^\(1/3\) + 1\/3\ \((1\/2\ \((25 + 3\ \@69)\))\)\^\(1/3\) + \ \((\(-\((2\/\(3\ \((9 - \@69)\)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\) - \((1\/2\ \((9 - \ \@69)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\/3\^\(2/3\))\)\^2 - 2\ \((\(-\((2\/\(3\ \((9 - \@69)\)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\) - \ \((1\/2\ \((9 - \@69)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\/3\^\(2/3\))\)\ \((1\/24\ \((864 \ - 96\ \@69)\)\^\(1/3\) + \((1\/2\ \((9 + \@69)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\/\(2\ \ 3\^\(2/3\)\))\))\)\ \((\((2\/\(3\ \((9 - \@69)\)\))\)\^\(1/3\) + \((1\ \/2\ \((9 - \@69)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\/3\^\(2/3\) + x)\))\) + \((1\/3 - 1\/3\ \((25\/2 - \(3\ \@69\)\/2)\)\^\(1/3\) - \((2\/\(3\ \ \((9 - \@69)\)\))\)\^\(1/3\) - \((1\/2\ \((9 - \@69)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\/3\ \^\(2/3\) - 1\/3\ \((1\/2\ \((25 + 3\ \@69)\))\)\^\(1/3\) - 2\ \((1\/24\ \((864 - 96\ \@69)\)\^\(1/3\) + \((1\/2\ \ \((9 + \@69)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\/\(2\ 3\^\(2/3\)\))\) + x + \((\(-\((2\/\(3\ \((9 - \@69)\)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\) - \ \((1\/2\ \((9 - \@69)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\/3\^\(2/3\))\)\ x)\)/\((\((\(-\(1\ \/3\)\) + 1\/3\ \((25\/2 - \(3\ \@69\)\/2)\)\^\(1/3\) + 1\/3\ \((1\/2\ \((25 + 3\ \@69)\))\)\^\(1/3\) + \ \((\(-\((2\/\(3\ \((9 - \@69)\)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\) - \((1\/2\ \((9 - \ \@69)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\/3\^\(2/3\))\)\^2 - 2\ \((\(-\((2\/\(3\ \((9 - \@69)\)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\) - \ \((1\/2\ \((9 - \@69)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\/3\^\(2/3\))\)\ \((1\/24\ \((864 \ - 96\ \@69)\)\^\(1/3\) + \((1\/2\ \((9 + \@69)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\/\(2\ \ 3\^\(2/3\)\))\))\)\ \((1\/3 - 1\/3\ \((25\/2 - \(3\ \@69\)\/2)\)\^\(1/3\) - 1\/3\ \((1\/2\ \((25 + 3\ \@69)\))\)\^\(1/3\) + 2\ \((1\/24\ \((864 - 96\ \@69)\)\^\(1/3\) + \((1\/2\ \ \((9 + \@69)\))\)\^\(1/3\)\/\(2\ 3\^\(2/3\)\))\)\ x - x\^2)\))\)\)], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["We could have found the inexact form directly.", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(PartialFractionsR[\((1 + x)\)/\((x^3 - x + 1)\) // N, x]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(-\(0.07614206365252976`\/\(\(\(1.324717957244746`\)\(\ \[InvisibleSpace]\)\) + 1.`\ x\)\)\) + \(\(\(0.7982664819556426`\)\(\ \[InvisibleSpace]\)\) + 0.07614206365252976`\ \ x\)\/\(\(\(0.754877666246693`\)\(\[InvisibleSpace]\)\) - \ 1.324717957244746`\ x + 1.`\ x\^2\)\)], "Output"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]] }, Open ]] }, FrontEndVersion->"4.2 for Microsoft Windows", ScreenRectangle->{{0, 1024}, {0, 709}}, AutoGeneratedPackage->None, WindowSize->{534, 628}, WindowMargins->{{199, Automatic}, {0, Automatic}}, ShowCellLabel->False, StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb" ] XXX -- Allan --------------------- Allan Hayes Mathematica Training and Consulting Leicester UK hay at Voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198 Fax: +44 (0)870 164 0565 "Steve Earth" <SteveE at> wrote in message news:anp0bs$qu0$1 at > Greetings MathGroup, > > My name is Steve Earth, and I am a new subscriber to this list and also a > new user of Mathematica; so please forgive this rather simple question... > > I would like to enter the quartic x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1 into Mathematica > and have it be able to tell me that it factors into > > (x^2 + GoldenRatio x + 1) ( x^2 - 1/GoldenRatio x + 1) > > What instructions do I need to execute to achieve this output? > > -Steve Earth > Harker School > >