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RE: Successive Approximation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg37121] RE: [mg37081] Successive Approximation
  • From: "DrBob" <drbob at>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 03:21:06 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: <drbob at>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

The first problem is that ArcSin[x/10] isn't a left-inverse of 10 Sin[x]
in the region of the root.  That's why your code converges on another
root.  A better inverse for your purpose is the gi below:

f = #(# + 3) &;
g = 10Sin@# &;
gi = Pi - ArcSin[#/10] &;

Using that inverse, there's still a problem, though.  Your
"approximation" of the root with

r = gi@f@r

fails because the derivative of gi@f at the root is



That's greater than one in magnitude, so distance from the root is
magnified rather than diminished.  Instead, try

r = fi@g@r


fi[y_] := Evaluate[x /. Last@Solve[f@x == y, x]]

This should work, since



Sure enough, it does work:

Values = NestList[fi[g[#1]] & , 2., 12]

{2., 1.8679332339369226, 1.9368280058437026, 1.9040490698559083,
  1.9124384783620436, 1.916439313493727, 1.9144659935649395,
  1.914959973607326, 1.915198347545482, 1.9150805538598723,

(f[#1] - g[#1] & ) /@ values

{0.9070257317431825, -0.4688124734947827, 
  0.2242366717647286, -0.11228304957089463, 
  0.05509675095190758, -0.02732121417963107, 
  0.0134795615740817, -0.006667318794729482, 
  0.003293718665990042, -0.0016281317372435211, 
  0.0008045637255396088, -0.00039764607942949226, 

Absolute error is cut in half at each iteration, as expected with a
derivative for fi@g near -1/2.  The negative sign causes the error to
alternate in sign.  We can also look at the log-absolute value of the
error as follows:

(Log[Abs[f[#1] - 
      g[#1]]] & ) /@ values

{-0.09758445910053692, -0.7575524337892089, -1.4950532145264737,
  -2.8986645309519163, -3.6000918023816326, -4.306580698204814,
 -5.715738058891756, -6.420322094992857, -7.125210383308283,
-7.829948195959684, -8.534760348785936}

Rest[%] - Drop[%, -1]

{-0.659967974688672, -0.7375007807372648, -0.6916791529202861,
  -0.7014272714297163, -0.7064888958231816, -0.7039567814660064,
  -0.7045840361011004, -0.7048882883154262, -0.704737812651401,

The difference in logarithm of the absolute error approaches



If you want to use this for teaching, try to use as little code as
possible -- as I have above -- and always try to avoid Do loops in
Mathematica on principle.


-----Original Message-----
From: Flurchick, Kenneth M [mailto:FLURCHICKK at MAIL.ECU.EDU] 
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg37121] [mg37081] Successive Approximation

I have a straightforward implementation of successive approximations
but I cannot seem to froce the code to find the correct solution when I

trig or exponentials involved.  Can the assembled wisdom point to
straghtforward fixes I know FindRoot works the object is to teach
programming and successive approx, tho.


Below is the code

Clear[f, g, gi, lim, r, rr, fr, \ gir, a, b, c, d, conv];
  Plot[{x * ((x + 3)), 10*Sin[x]}, {x, 0.01, 2.4}, 
    PlotStyle -> {{RGBColor[1, 0, 0], Thickness[ .006]}, 
                  {RGBColor[0, 0, 1], Thickness[ .006]}}
  rr = FindRoot[x * ((x + 3)) == 10*Sin[x], {x, 2, 0.01, 2.4}];
  f[a_] := a * ((a + 3)) /; a >  0;
  g[b_] := 10. * Sin[b] /; b > 0;
  gi[c_] := ArcSin[0.1*c] /; c > 0;
  Print["Actual root is ", rr];
  lim = 10;
  r = 2.0;
  conv = 10^-4;
  For[i = 1, i < lim, i++, 
      fr = f[r]; 
      gir = gi[fr]; 
      d = Abs[N[gir] - r]; i
      If[d < conv, Break[]]; 
      r = gir; 
      Print["The value of x = ", r, " found after ", i, " iterations,", 
            " with a tolerence ", d, "\n"]
  Print["The value of x = ", r, " found after ",  i, " iterations,",  
        " with a tolerence ", d, "\n"]

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                                                           L. Neil Smith

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