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RE: Plotting direction fields for a logistic equation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg37220] RE: Plotting direction fields for a logistic equation
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 00:08:46 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Your plot looks bad because PlotVectorField uses AspectRatio->Automatic,
which means that the t and y axes are at the same scale. This makes the plot
very high and narrow. Try the following...

PlotVectorField[f[t, y], {t, 0, 80}, {y, 0, 1400},
    AspectRatio -> 1,
    Frame -> True,
    ImageSize -> 450];

David Park
djmp at

From: Ruben Garcia [mailto:rubgb at]
To: mathgroup at

Hi there:
I've been trying to use PlotVectorField for the
following differential equation:
dy/dt = 0.08*y*(1-y/1000)
but I haven't been successful yet.
I tried to do the following:
f[t_, y_] := {1, 0.08*y*(1 - y/1000)}
PlotVectorField[f[t, y], {t, 0, 80}, {y, 0, 1400}];
but I'm getting a meaningless plot so I'd appreciate
if someone could tell me what is what I'm doing wrong.
Thank you very much in advance,

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