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Bug in Solve?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg36834] Bug in Solve?
  • From: "David" <none at>
  • Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 04:34:34 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, US
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


inside a program I need to solve this linear equation in terms of p1.
However something odds happens. Sometimes the solution is computed and
sometimes the result is empty [I mean no output...]. Is this a bug of the
solve command or am I doing something wrong? The problem is robust to:
changing name to the variables and other makeups..

Thank you very much,


ps: Sorry for the stupid way in which I copied the command...

Solve[(x^2*((-0.9*x^7*(p^2*(-1 - 5.8*x^6 - 14.010000000000002*x^12 -
                              18.04*x^18 - 13.06*x^24 -
                              5.040000000000001*x^30 - 0.81*x^36) +
                        x*(7.777777777777779 - 9.074074074074076*x +
                              30.333333333333336*x^6 -
                              21.51851851851852*x^7 -
                              16.333333333333336*x^8 +
                              44.33333333333334*x^12 +
                              3.188888888888883*x^13 -
                              65.68333333333332*x^14 +
                              28.777777777777786*x^18 +
                              47.937037037037044*x^19 -
                              100.10000000000002*x^20 + 7.*x^24 +
                              45.6037037037037*x^25 -
                              69.53333333333333*x^26 +
                              13.299999999999999*x^31 -
                              19.833333333333332*x^32 -
                              1.0499999999999996*x^38) +
                        p*(-6 + 8.296296296296296*x -
                              28.799999999999997*x^6 +
                              32.785185185185185*x^7 +
                              9.333333333333336*x^8 -
                              55.260000000000005*x^12 +
                              49.04777777777776*x^13 +
                              38.38333333333334*x^14 -
                              52.980000000000004*x^18 +
                              34.20518518518518*x^19 +
                              60.20000000000001*x^20 -
                              25.380000000000003*x^24 +
                              11.736296296296294*x^25 +
                              43.63333333333334*x^26 - 4.86*x^30 +
                              2.8999999999999986*x^31 +
                              13.533333333333333*x^32 + 0.81*x^37 +
                              1.0499999999999996*x^38)))/(x + 1.9*x^7 +
                      0.9*x^13)^2 - ((-1 + p - 7*x^6 + p*x^6 +
                        6*x^7)*(1.2962962962962965 - 3.111111111111112*x^6 +
                        9.333333333333336*x^7 - 10.111111111111114*x^12 +
                        22.05*x^13 - 5.703703703703705*x^18 + 17.15*x^19 +
                        5.483333333333331*x^25 + 1.0499999999999996*x^31 +
                        p1*x^5*(7.000000000000002 - 7.000000000000002*x +
                              14.000000000000004*x^6 -
                              14.000000000000004*x^7 +
                              7.000000000000002*x^12 -
                              6.999999999999998*x^13) -
                        1.166666666666667*p*x^4*x1 -
                        3.500000000000001*p*x^10*x1 -
                        1.0500000000000003*p*x^11*x1 -
                        3.500000000000001*p*x^16*x1 -
                        3.150000000000001*p*x^17*x1 -
                        1.166666666666667*p*x^22*x1 -
                        3.150000000000001*p*x^23*x1 -
                        1.0500000000000003*p*x^29*x1))/((1 + 0.9*x^6)^2*(1 +
                          x^6)^2)))/(p^2*(1 + x^6)^3) == 0, p1]

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