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RE: Re: split a list

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg40645] RE: [mg40621] Re: split a list
  • From: "Wolf, Hartmut" <Hartmut.Wolf at>
  • Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 03:08:21 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Carl K. Woll [mailto:carlw at]
To: mathgroup at
>Sent: Friday, April 11, 2003 8:03 AM
>To: mathgroup at
>Subject: [mg40645] [mg40621] Re: split a list
>Hi all,
>Just thought I would throw a couple more possibilities into the mix.
>First, since Select works more quickly when the test is 
>simpler, we can try the following:
>Basically, we subtract the breakpoint from the list then do 
>Select with the very simple tests Negative and NonNegative, 
>then we restore the original list by adding back the breakpoint. 
>In my tests this is about twice as fast as the simpler approach:
>split0[r_,m_]:={Select[r, # < m &], Select[r, # >= m &]}
>One small problem with my approach is that the machine real 
>numbers you get after subtracting and adding the breakpoint can 
>differ enough so that they are not considered the same number by 
>mathematica anymore. For example:
>{5.39 Second, Null}
>{2.594 Second, Null}
>Of course, we can make an even faster function by compiling. 
>However, since the output is in general not a tensor, that is 
>the two lists are in general not equal in length, we have to 
>be a little creative. Anyway, using Compile we have:
>lower=Compile[{{r,_Real,1},{m,_Real,0}},Select[r, # < m&]];
>upper=Compile[{{r,_Real,1},{m,_Real,0}},Select[r, # >= m&]];
>A timing comparison yields:
>{5.734 Second, Null}
>{1.594 Second, Null}
>The compiled version is quite a bit faster.
>Carl Woll
>Physics Dept
>U of Washington
>"Roberto Brambilla" <rlbrambilla at> wrote in message
>news:b70boj$883$1 at
>> Hi,
>> I have a list (very long, thousands, and unsorted) of 
>> numbers r={n1,n2...}
>> and for a given a number m  I want to split it in the two sublists
>> (unsorted, same order) u={elements<m], v={elements>m}.
>> Now I use this *old-style*  method:
>> u = v = {};
>> For[i = 1, i <= Length[r], i++,
>>   tmp = r[[i]];
>>   If[tmp > m , AppendTo[u, tmp], AppendTo[v, tmp]];
>>   ]
>> Any suggestion for a more efficient (and elegant) method?
>> Also oneliners are well accepted.
>> Many thanks, Roberto
>> Roberto Brambilla
>> Via Rubattino 54
>> 20134 Milano
>> tel +39.02.2125.5875
>> fax +39.02.2125.5492
>> rlbrambilla at


very fine, as ever. You pointed to the right difficulty for compiling. I
solved it in a different way:

splitlist0 = 
    Compile[{{r, _Real, 1}, {m, _Real}}, 
      Module[{tmp, u, v, i = 0, j = 0, k = 0},
        u = v = Table[0., {Length[r]}];
        While[i < Length[r],
          If[(tmp = r[[++i]]) < m, u[[++j]] = tmp, v[[++k]] = tmp]];
        xj = j; xk = k;
        {u, v}]];

splitlist[r_, m_] := Block[{u, v, xj, xk},
    {u, v} = splitlist0[r, m];
    {Take[u, xj], Take[v, xk]}]

So I return a tensor, and pass the effective lengths via global variables.
Such I need only a single scan of the input list r (and keep a little
advantage, inspite of additional Take(s) and Table).


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