couple of small problems
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg40842] couple of small problems
- From: Jake Rodriguez Rosales <jrosales at>
- Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 06:59:25 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Dear All, Hi. I have a couple of small problems which I hope you can help me with. First, suppose I have a function which behaves one way in a certain interval and behaves another way in a different interval. Suppose: f1[x_] := Cos[x] 0 < Cos[x] < 0.6 and f2[x_] := (1 + Sin[x]/3)*Cos[x] -1 < Cos[x] < 0 How do I combine these two functions into one main function, FMain[x], which incorporates the behaviour in both intervals (i.e. which gives me f1[x] if 0 < Cos[x] < 0.6 and gives me f2[x] for the other interval)? Is there a specific command in Mathematica to deal with this? The next problem mainly concerns with looping structures. I initially have an empty list, say Blist, which I want to continually fill up until I have say, 100 elements in the list. I do this by appending an element x, to the list, if the element satisfies some particular condition. So, for example, say I have two functions, h[x] and g[x]. I generate x (how I generate x is not important), and check if h[x] < g[x]. If it is, I decide to keep x and append it to the list Blist. I want to do this until the Length[Blist] = 100. I tried this code: Blist = {} While[Length[Blist] < 100, x = Random[]; If[h[x] < g[x], Blist = AppendTo[Blist, x]]] Blist but somehow Mathematica simply runs for a long time and then hangs. I have tried another simple code: Blist = {} Do[x = Random[]; If[h[x] < g[x], Blist = AppendTo[Blist, x]], {i, 1, 100}] Blist This gives me a list of x values, but falls way short of 100 values due to the condition checking statement (obviously, I could iterate it until say 150 {i, 1, 150} so that I can get somewhere close to 100, but controlling the number of elements in Blist is important). Essentially, I want to be able to check if x satisfies a certain condition, and append it to Blist until I have say 100 elements in Blist. Any comments are welcome. Jake