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RE: RE: Where have all the axes gone?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg41011] RE: [mg40964] RE: [mg40917] Where have all the axes gone?
  • From: "Wolf, Hartmut" <Hartmut.Wolf at>
  • Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 05:20:54 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I quite don't catch on what you wanted to express. But, yes, there are
differences between the proposed two methods to bring the axes to the front.
As far as I see -- or guess, say better -- this is caused by the use of
FullOptions (or AbsoluteOptions) in the package FilledPlot (modified Show
that is) when displaying the graphics with AxesFront -> True.

In[1]:= $Version   (* my Version *)
Out[1]= "4.1 for Microsoft Windows (November 2, 2000)"

g0 = Plot[Exp[-2x^2], {x, -5, 5}, PlotRange -> All, 
      PlotStyle -> {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], Thickness[0.2]}, Axes -> True];

In[3]:= g1 = Show[FullGraphics[g0], Options[g0]]

To my eye g1 is the same as g0, except for g0 having the axes hidden, but g1
visible. This is what should be in first place!

In[4]:= << Graphics`FilledPlot`
gaxf = Show[g0, AxesFront -> True]

Here obviously the PlotRegion is cut, parts from (the very thick) plotted
line below and above are missing)

This is very similar -- though not a 100% identical -- to 

In[6]:= Show[g1, AbsoluteOptions[g1, PlotRange]]

Now, I recollect vaguely, that the calculation of AbsoluteOptions does not
account for the Thickness of the Lines drawn (whereas Show[...,
PlotRange->All] does).

To compare the minor differences of these plots see:

In[7]:= opt1 = AbsoluteOptions[g1];
In[8]:= optaxf = AbsoluteOptions[gaxf];

In[9]:= AxesFront /. {opt1, optaxf}
Out[9]= {False, True}

Of course!

In[10]:= PlotRange /. {opt1, optaxf}
{{{-5.5125, 5.5125}, {-0.05125, 1.05125}},
 {{-5.25, 5.25}, {-0.025, 1.025}}}

Perhaps due to some "adjustment" made in modified Show, due to the known
discrepancy mentioned.

This follows:

Dimensions /@ ({ticks1, ticksaxf} = Ticks /. {opt1, optaxf})
Out[11]= {{2, 23, 4}, {2, 21, 4}}

Complement @@ ReleaseHold[Hold[Ticks[[2, All, All]]] /. {opt1, optaxf}]
{{-0.05, "", {0.00375, 0.}, {GrayLevel[0.], AbsoluteThickness[0.125]}},
 {1.05, "", {0.00375, 0.}, {GrayLevel[0.], AbsoluteThickness[0.125]}}}

Some manual experimenting brings me to

Show[gaxf, PlotRange -> {{-5.7, 5.7}, {-0.2, 1.15}}]

as being close to the original Plot, now with Axes shown (but longer as

(You may observe some perversity, if you like, gradually changing the
maximum PlotRange of y-direction. But those things are well know either.)

It's difficult to give the user a recommendation; at least, there is a

Hartmut Wolf

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bobby Treat [mailto:drmajorbob+MathGroup3528 at]
To: mathgroup at
>Sent: Friday, April 25, 2003 8:12 PM
>To: Hartmut.Wolf at; mathgroup at
>Subject: [mg41011] Re: [mg40964] RE: [mg40917] Where have all the axes gone?
>Yes, but -- on my machine anyway -- the second plot is shaped very 
>different from the first.  (A bit obscene, perhaps.)
>(Version 4.2.1)
>Plot[Exp[-2x^2], {x, -5, 5}, PlotRange -> All,
>      PlotStyle -> {RGBColor[1, 0, 0],
>      Thickness[0.2]}, Axes -> True ];
>Show[FullGraphics[%], Options[%]]
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Wolf, Hartmut <Hartmut.Wolf at>
To: mathgroup at
>To: mathgroup at
>Sent: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 08:07:50 -0400 (EDT)
>Subject: [mg41011] [mg40964] RE: [mg40917] Where have all the axes gone?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Pavel Pokorny [mailto:Pavel.Pokorny at]
To: mathgroup at
>To: mathgroup at
>>Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2003 11:26 AM
>>To: mathgroup at
>>Subject: [mg41011] [mg40964] [mg40917] Where have all the axes gone?
>>   Plot[Exp[-2x^2],{x,-5,5},
>>     PlotRange->All,
>>     PlotStyle->{RGBColor[1,0,0],Thickness[0.2]},
>>     Axes ->True
>>   ];
>>Can you, please, help me to redraw the axes?
>>Something with Epilog?
>>I feel there is a simple solution I can't see.
>>Any help appreciated.
>>Pavel Pokorny
>>Math Dept, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology
>In[2]:= << Graphics`FilledPlot`
>In[3]:= Show[%%, AxesFront -> True]
>brings them back by witchcraft. Well, the reason is, the package 
>Show to give it that convenient option AxesFront. Details can be found
>Also this simple concept works (even when package FilledPlot has not 
>In[4]:= Show[FullGraphics[%%%], Options[%%%]]
>The explanation is simple: (normally, when FilledPlot not loaded) Show 
>Axes first, and then the Graphics. FullGraphics however 
>contains all the
>embellishments in Form of graphics elements, luckily after the 
>the contents, such the Axes are redrawn and visible.
>Hartmut Wolf

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