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Re: Re: New version, new bugs

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg42947] Re: [mg42930] Re: New version, new bugs
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <andrzej at>
  • Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 02:04:59 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Having (very reluctantly) considered this matter more closely I feel 
compelled to admit I was wrong. The pattern Hold[Plus] used by Maxim is 
not nonsensical (I apologize) and HoldPattern[Plus][a]] is not parsed 
to a as I had assumed without doing any tests, in fact:



So, while I hate to admit it, at the moment I can't understand why 
Maxim example:

> f[a] + f[b] + 1 /. HoldPattern[Plus][f[_] ..] :> 0 /; True

does not work (I think I understand the others). But I stand by my 
original claim is that all that is of little value since I can imagine 
no practical situation in which anyone might want to use any of these 
weird constructions. I agree that most users, even pretty sophisticated 
ones, do not fully understand the pattern matcher, but then I can't see 
any compelling reason why they should.

Andrzej Kozlowski
Yokohama, Japan

On Monday, August 4, 2003, at 09:12 PM, Andrzej Kozlowski wrote:

> The reason why you usage of HoldPattern[Plus] is nonsensical (as I 
> wrote in my original posting) is that  Plus[a] evaluates to just a and 
> Plus[a,b] to Plus[a,b]. So if you evaluate
>>> f[a] + f[b] + 1 /. HoldPattern[Plus][f[_] ..] :> 0 /; True
> HoldPattern[Plus][f[_] ..] evaluates to f[_] .. and you do not get a 
> match.  In you other cases you use HoldPattern[Plus] with more than 
> one argument, so things work differently. There is no mystery.
> Your tone in this discussion has began to reasmble that of of someone 
> who tried and  failed to get a job with Wolfram Reasearch or has some 
> other personal grudge so I propose to stop it all here.
> Andrzej
> On Monday, August 4, 2003, at 06:45 AM, Maxim wrote:
>> Andrzej Kozlowski wrote:
>>> Maxim has pointed out that RuleCondition has the attribute 
>>> HoldFirst. I
>>> was too careless giving my explanation: what I meant to refer to was
>>> the following difference between Condition and RuleCondition (which I
>>> learned form Allan Hayes)
>>> Hold[a] /. a :> Condition[1 + 1,True]
>>>          Hold[1+1]
>>> Hold[a] /. a :> RuleCondition[1 + 1, True]
>>>          Hold[2]
>> I have no idea what RuleCondition is for and how you can rewrite, say,
>> 2/.x_:>x^2/;x>0
>> using RuleCondition, but it's totally irrelevant; you say that 
>> something
>> somewhere doesn't get evaluated -- then put Evaluate in the right 
>> place and
>> demonstrate the difference. I have a feeling you won't succeed. And 
>> before
>> you give yet another "conclusive demonstration", try also explaing 
>> how these
>> four examples work:
>> f[a] + f[b] + 1 /. HoldPattern[Plus][_, _] /; True :> 1
>> f[a] + f[b] + 1 /. HoldPattern[Plus[_, _]] /; True :> 1
>> f[a] + f[b] + 1 /. HoldPattern[Plus][_, _] :> 1 /; True
>> f[a] + f[b] + 1 /. HoldPattern[Plus[_, _]] :> 1 /; True
>> I'll try giving a suggestion why the four examples in my original 
>> posting
>> (with f[_]..) work that way; it is probably related to the following:
>> In[1]:=
>> FreeQ[x+y+z,x+y]
>> Cases[x+y+z,x+y,{0,-1}]
>> Out[1]=
>> False
>> Out[2]=
>> {}
>> Even though Cases does pattern matching (the second argument can be a
>> pattern), in this case it doesn't break the expression into 
>> Plus[Plus[x,y],z]
>> (yes, I know that it is a documented feature). So my guess is that 
>> somewhere
>> in the dark recesses of Mathematica pattern matcher this confusion 
>> between
>> two approaches arises.
>> Of course, maybe Jens-Peer Kuska will explain to me again how I don't 
>> know
>> what I'm doing, but he did seem to be rather quiet lately...
>> The real problem is that there isn't any complete specifications 
>> describing
>> the behaviour of pattern matching. So it's not even possible to say 
>> if an
>> example is correct/incorrect, one has to resort to simply pointing out
>> inconsistencies...only it seems that developers sometimes have to 
>> resort to
>> the same means.
>> Exactly the same goes for the example with Module and variables 
>> renaming.
>> Maxim Rytin
>> m.r at
> Andrzej Kozlowski
> Yokohama, Japan

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