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Re: Why is Mathematica incredible slow?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg38873] Re: [mg38806] Why is Mathematica incredible slow?
  • From: Selwyn Hollis <selwynh at>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 03:21:57 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I'm surprised no one answered already...
Here are my initial thoughts:

I would not be so quick to blame FindRoot. Your gradient involves both 
PDF and CDF, which are contained in one of the standard packages, not 
implemented in the kernel. I suspect that is where the slowness arises.

"Ordinary Mathematica code can be called from within compiled code", 
but I don't think such code is actually compiled. (??)  Perhaps 
creating a compiled, specialized version of PDF/CDF would bring 
Mathematica up to speed.

Selwyn Hollis

On Tuesday, January 14, 2003, at 06:10  AM, Johannes Ludsteck wrote:

> Der MathGroup members,
> I want to find a maximum likelihood estimator using FindRoot.
> Since the problem seems not be related to specialities of the
> estimation procedure, I report it here.
> I know that the maximand is globally concave. Therefore, the
> maximum can be found be searching the root of the gradient of
> the maximand.
> The problem is that Mathematica is slower by a factor of 20-
> 100 than other comparable packages, though
> the maximand is compiled and I provide the gradient. An even
> more amazing finding is that providing the (compiled) Jacobian
> makes the algorithm even slower that using the default version
> or QuasiNewton.
> By the way: Searching for the Maximum of the maximand with
> FindfMinimum is much slower, even if I provide the gradient
> function. Find my code below if you are interested in the
> details or want to play around with it.
> My questions:
> [1] Why are FindMinimum and FindRoot so slow. If I compare the
> Timings of other number crunching functions, e.g.
> Inverse with the corresponding ones in Gauss and Stata, I find
> only small differences.
> [2] Are there any clear inefficiencies in my code below?
> Here is the Gradient function:
> LogLikGrad[y_, x_, b_] :=
>   With[{s = Map[If[# == 1, 1, \(-1\)] &, y],
>         d = NormalDistribution[0. , 1. ]},
>     Tr /@ Transpose[s (PDF[d, #]/CDF[d, #]) x &[s x . b]]]
> I do not add the compiled version of LogLikGrad, since it does
> not speed up things considerably and is more complex.
> and here is the estimation function:
> Probit[y_,x_,bStart_]:=With[
>   {b0=If[#==0.0,{-0.1,0.1},{0.9,#,1.1,#}]&/@bStart},
>     #1/.FindRoot[LogLikGrad[y,x,#1],
>          ##2,Compiled->False]&[
>           #,Sequence@@Transpose[{#,b0}]]&[
>              Table[Unique[],{Length[b0]}]]]
> Probit[y_,x_]:=Probit[y,x,Table[0.0,{Dimensions[x][[2]]}]]
> In case you want to play around with the stuff, here are data
> generation commands and a call to Probit:
> <<Statistics`ContinuousDistributions`;
> x=Table[2(Random[]-0.5),{10000},{5}];
> b={0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5};
> y=Map[If[#>0,1,0]&, x.b+
> Table[Random[NormalDistribution[0,1]],{Length[x]}]];
> Probit[y,x]
> In case you are interested in having a look at the jacobian,
> here it is:
> pdf =  Function[{x},
>         Exp[-(x\^2/2]/Sqrt[2 \[Pi]];
> cdf = Function[{x}, 0.5 (1. + Erf[x/2])];
> SetAttributes[pdf, Listable];
> SetAttributes[cdf, Listable];
> \!\(LogLikJacC =
>     Compile[{{y, _Integer, 1}, {x, _Real, 2}, {b, _Real, 1}},
>       Module[{s =
>             Map[If[# \[Equal] 1, 1, \(-1\)] &, y]},
> \[IndentingNewLine]Apply[
>           Plus, \(-Map[Outer[Times, #, #] &,
>                 x]\)*\((\(\(\(pdf[#] cdf[#]\
> #\)\(+\)\(pdf[#]\^2\)\(\ \
> \)\)\/cdf[#]\^2\  &\)[s\ x . b])\)]],
> \[IndentingNewLine]{{pdf[_], _Real,
>           1}, {cdf[_], _Real, 1}, {s, _Integer, 1}}]\)
> Best regards,
> 	Johannes Ludsteck
> <><><><><><><><><><><><>
> Johannes Ludsteck
> Economics Department
> University of Regensburg
> Universitaetsstrasse 31
> 93053 Regensburg
> Phone +49/0941/943-2741

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