Re: New version, new bugs
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg42537] Re: New version, new bugs
- From: Maxim <.!dontsendhere at>
- Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 20:53:18 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <be5tsj$jfg$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
> On Friday, July 4, 2003, at 02:33 PM, Maxim wrote: > > > > > Andrzej Kozlowski wrote: > > > >> On Wednesday, July 2, 2003, at 07:36 pm, Maxim wrote: > >> > >>> Funny that it is easy to find errors even in a couple of > >>> demonstrational > >>> examples of Mathematica's new capabilities on the Mathworld page > >>> ( > >>> > >>> 1) Re[n]>-2 is not a correct convergence condition for > >>> > >>> Integrate[Abs[x - y]^n, {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}] > >>> > >>> (a quick way to see that there's something wrong is to look at the > >>> sign > >>> of Mathematica's answer when -2<n<-1); > >> > >> My Mathematica 5.0 simply gives: > >> > >> Integrate::gener: Unable to check convergence. > >> > >> as output to this. Am I missing something? > >> > > > > I was just looking at the Mathworld page; one of the examples there was > > > > In[1]= Integrate[Abs[x - y]^n, {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}] > > > > Out[1]= If[Re[n]>-2, 2/((n+1)*(n+2)), Integrate[Abs[x - y]^n, {x, 0, > > 1}, {y, > > 0, 1}]] > Indeed, some messages are generated, but Mathematica does return an answer: In[1]:= Timing[Integrate[Abs[x - y]^n, {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}]] Integrate::gener : Unable to check convergence. Integrate::gener : Unable to check convergence. Out[1]= {272.718Second, If[Re[n] > -2, -((2*I)/((1 + n)*(Im[n] - I*(2 + Re[n])))), <<1>>]} this is slightly different from what was shown on the Mathworld page, but for real n the answers are identical and are certainly incorrect. Here it returns an incorrect answer without even giving any warnings: In[1]:= Integrate[Abs[x - y]^(-1), {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}] Out[1]= -2 + 2*I*Pi There are many more such examples: In[1]:= Integrate[Sqrt[(x2 - x1)^2], {x1, 0, 1}, Assumptions -> 0 < Re[x2] < 1] Out[1]= If[Im[x2] != 0, 1/2 - x2, <<1>>] (in fact, with given assumption the answer should be 1/2 - x2 + x2^2 + Im[x2]^2). There are some areas where improvements over previous versions (if any) seem disappointing. Here's a small What's Old in Version 5 list: 1) still doesn't handle branch cuts too well: In[1]:= Limit[ArcTan[Sqrt[Tan[x]] - 1], x -> Pi/2] Out[1]= Pi/2 (the right limit is -Pi/2); In[1]:= Integrate[1/(z^(3/2) - 1), {z, -I, I}] Out[1]= (1/3)*I*(2*Pi - Sqrt[3]*Log[10 - 6*Sqrt[2] + 5*Sqrt[3] - 4*Sqrt[6]]) (correct answer is (-(1/3))*I*(2*Pi + Sqrt[3]*Log[10 - 4*Sqrt[6] + Sqrt[3*(49 - 20*Sqrt[6])]]) ); 2) still cannot give answers for Sum and Product in conditional form; doesn't even indicate that the series is divergent in cases like In[1]:= Sum[I^k, {k, 0, Infinity}] Out[1]= 1/2 + I/2 3) still fails on integrating piecewise-continuous functions: In[1]:= Module[ {f = UnitStep[#1, 1 - #1] & }, Integrate[f[t2]*f[t1 - t2], {t1, -Infinity, x}, {t2, -Infinity, Infinity}]] Out[1]= (-t2 + x + (1 + t2 - x)*UnitStep[-1 - t2 + x])*UnitStep[-t2 + x]*UnitStep[1 - t2, t2] this one is just ridiculous since it doesn't integrate out the t2 variable. Although I should mention that if you rewrite such expressions as repeated integrals -- Integrate[Integrate[f,iter2],iter1] instead of Integrate[f,iter1,iter2] -- and replace UnitStep[x,y,...] with UnitStep[x]UnitStep[y]... then Mathematica seems to handle such examples pretty well; 4) I wrote about the errors in LaplaceTransform module before (it was an add-on package in 3.x and then simply was moved to the kernel without any bugfixes); now welcome them in 5.0: In[1]:= LaplaceTransform[Derivative[1][f][2*x], x, y] MapAt::partw : Part {1, 2} of {1} does not exist. Out[1]= y*LaplaceTransform[Derivative[#1 - 1 + 0 & , {1}, {{1, 2}}][f][2*x], x, y] - Derivative[#1 - 1 + 0 & , {1}, {{1, 2}}][f][0] 5) still handles DirectedInfinity rather strangely: In[1]:= Limit[Arg[x], x -> DirectedInfinity[1 + I], Direction -> 1] Limit[Csc[I*x], x -> DirectedInfinity[I], Direction -> 1] Out[1]= 0 Out[2]= 0 6) unpredictably working simplifications: In[1]:= FullSimplify[2^(4*n + 1) - 16^n] Out[1]= 2^(1 + 4*n) - 16^n 7) last but not least, there still exists a lot of small annoying errors; my favorite is In[1]:= ComplexExpand[Tan[Pi/8]] Out[1]= Cot[Pi/8] I haven't looked closely at the Version 5's new features yet, but I have a suspicion those modules won't be any more reliable: In[1]:= Reduce[Sin[x + Pi/5] + Cos[x - Pi/10] == 0, x] Out[1]= False (general solution is x -> (7*Pi)/10 + Pi*C[1]). Maxim Rytin m.r at