For[] command in Show[] function
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg41781] For[] command in Show[] function
- From: "Jong Choi" <jxc91 at>
- Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 07:31:25 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Dear All, I want to show the 18 points in the 3D space. So I used the Show[ ] function. But in every points, I should type the Point[position[i]] repeatly. If I can use the For[ ] routine, the code will be simple. Please let me know how to use For routine in the Show[ ] function or how to show a lot of points in 3D space with simple codes. Thanks, Jong Code : position = { {-10, -13, 0}, {-12, -13, 0}, {-14, -13, 0}, {-16, -13, 0}, {-10, -13, -2}, {-12, -13, -2}, {-14, -13, -2}, {-16, -13, -2}, {-10, -13, -4}, {-12, -13, -4}, {-14, -13, -4}, {-16, -13, -4}, {-10, -13, -6}, {-12, -13, -6}, {-14, -13, -6}, {-16, -13, -6}, {-10, -13, -8}, {-12, -13, -8}}; Show[Graphics3D[ {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], PointSize[0.04], Point[position[[1]]], Point[position[[2]]], Point[position[[3]]] , Point[position[[4]]], Point[position[[5]]], Point[position[[6]]] , Point[position[[7]]], Point[position[[8]]], Point[position[[9]]] , Point[position[[10]]], Point[position[[11]]], Point[position[[12]]] , Point[position[[13]]], Point[position[[14]]], Point[position[[15]]] , Point[position[[16]]], Point[position[[17]]], Point[position[[18]]] }] ] Expected code : (not correct) Show[Graphics3D[For[i=1,i<19,Point[ position[[i]] ],i++]]]; ================================ Jongung Choi Biologically Inspired Robotics Laboratory Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Case Western Reserve Univ. Cleveland, OH 44106-7222 Phone: 216-368-5216 Email: jxc91 at, jxc91 at Homepage: