MathGroup Archive 2003

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virus attachments from some mathgroup users

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg41839] virus attachments from some mathgroup users
  • From: "Steven M. Christensen" <steve at>
  • Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 09:51:18 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Attention Mathgroup users -

Some readers have emailed me pointing out what appear
to be virus attachments in MathGroup mailings.  If
you don't follow virus information on the net as closely
as I do, you may not know about a new virus (and there
are still other older viruses around) that is quite bad for
Microsoft Windows users.  I do not use Windows unless
I am forced to, but I know others do and I have a number
of Windows machines around for testing so I can make
warnings like this.

Go to

and see the W32.Bugbear.B link for details and the story on
the lower part of the main page.  If you run Windows and are
not keeping up with anti-virus software (though this virus
came up faster than the anti-virus people could update
their software) and the seemingly infinite Windows update patches
(some of which may "break" your Windows OS), then you may
be vulnerable.

What may happen is that the virus will search your machine for
email addresses anywhere on your hard disk and then send the
virus out to others who are not protected.    
So, someone out there likely has the virus and may
have started mailing out to the email addresses from MathGroup
they may have saved in their systems mailboxes or newsgroup
save files.

Note that if you get a message from MathGroup that has an attachment
it DID NOT COME FROM MATHGROUP!  I never send out attachments.  I
never send mail from a Windows machine.  I use only Sun workstations
with Solaris for mail which are not prone to viruses and I hand edit
out any attachments.  As you may know if you send posts with
attachments, I edit them out - so don't send them in the first place.
Further if you use a mailer that sends out html mail or attachments
I will have to edit those out by hand also - so adjust your mail
client to not send out html.  My editing may mess up your messages
or they may end up looking like spam to my spam filters.

Contact me with any questions.

Steve Christensen

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