Re: creating functions from the result of Solve[]
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg41858] Re: creating functions from the result of Solve[]
- From: bobhanlon at (Bob Hanlon)
- Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2003 00:08:47 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <bbq83u$d4r$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Your equation is recursive: use RSolve. You also need to define starting values, say y[0] and y[1]. Needs["DiscreteMath`RSolve`"]; Clear[y]; y[n_?NonNegative] := Evaluate[y[n] /. Simplify[RSolve[{3y[n - 2] + 6y[n - 1] - 2y[n] == 0,y[0]==y0,y[1]==y1}, y[n],n], n>=0][[1]]] Table[y[n], {n,0,5}]//Simplify {y0, y1, (3/2)*(y0 + 2*y1), (3/2)*(3*y0 + 7*y1), (63*y0)/4 + 36*y1, 54*y0 + (495*y1)/4} Bob Hanlon In article <bbq83u$d4r$1 at>, kroosu at (Okke) wrote: << Subject: creating functions from the result of Solve[] From: kroosu at (Okke) To: mathgroup at Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 14:22:54 +0000 (UTC) hello, i have an equation and i want to make a function from the result of Solve[]. for example: IN: Solve[3y[n - 2] + 6y[n - 1] - 2y[n] == 0, y[n]] OUT: {{y[n] -> (3*y[-2 + n] + 6*y[-1 + n])/2}} and now i'd like to have the function y[n_/;n>=0] := (3*y[-2 + n] + 6*y[-1 + n])/2 y[n]/.Flatten[Solve[eqn==0,y[n]]] is possible, but y[n_]:=y[n]/.Flatten[Solve[eqn==0,y[n]]] isn't is there anybody who could help me get this to work?