Re: System of ODE
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg42064] Re: System of ODE
- From: "Amedeo" <wallpeer at>
- Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 05:44:18 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <bcjtaj$hlt$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
> NDSolve doesn't understand equations in matrix form, primarily because > Equal isn't Listable. > > Here's the form you need: > > NDSolve[Flatten[Thread /@ {A'[t] == M[t].A[t] + 2*C, A[0] == {0, 0}}], > A[t], {t, 0, 300}] > > Note that you can't use D as a variable name, and matrix multiplication > is done with Dot, not *. And with such a long time interval, you'll > likely need to use the MaxSteps option. > > ----- solution=NDSolve[Flatten[Thread/@{B'[t]\[Equal]A[t].B[t],B[0]\[Equal]{0,0}}] , B[t],{t,0,300}] NDSolve::ndnco: The number of constraints (2) (initial conditions) is not \ equal to the total differential order of the system (1). NDSolve::ndnco: The number of constraints (2) (initial conditions) is not \ equal to the total differential order of the system (1). why this problem?