Re: Trouble customizing 2D plots in Mathematica
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg42183] Re: Trouble customizing 2D plots in Mathematica
- From: bobhanlon at (Bob Hanlon)
- Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2003 20:57:01 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <bcrsbv$hrs$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Include a FrameLabel Plot[x^2/1000,{x,0,100},Frame->True, PlotRange->{0,6}, FrameLabel->{None,None," ",None}, Epilog->Text["*\!\(10\^3\)",Scaled[{-0.05,1.04}],{-1.5,0}]]; Bob Hanlon In article <bcrsbv$hrs$1 at>, Kevin Gross <kc144 at> wrote: << Subject: Trouble customizing 2D plots in Mathematica From: Kevin Gross <kc144 at> To: mathgroup at Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 08:30:55 +0000 (UTC) Hi all, While I'm a devout Mathematica user, I do like the way some other plotting packages handle 2D plots with large y values. Specifically, some packages will factor out a common value, e.g., 10^3, from the y-axis labels and displays that common value above the y-axis. Below is my attempt at mimicking this behavior in Mathematica: (*Standard Mathematica plot with specific PlotRange*) p1 = Plot[x^2, {x, 0, 100}, Frame -> True, PlotRange -> {0, 6000}]; (*Attempt at producing a nicer-looking plot*) p2 = Show[p1, FrameTicks -> {Automatic, {{0, 0}, {2000, 2}, {4000, 4}, {6000, 6}, {8000, 8}, {10000, 10}}, Automatic, Automatic}, DisplayFunction -> Identity]; p3 = Graphics[Text["*\!\(10\^3\)", Scaled[{-0.05, 1.04}], {-1.5, 0}]]; Show[p2, p3, PlotRange -> All, DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction]; There are a couple of problems with my approach: 1.) The text box only becomes visible when I use PlotRange->All. However, in some plots, I wish to specify a PlotRange different from All and still have the text box visible. For example: (*Must use PlotRange -> All*) Show[p2, p3, DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction]; 2.) The coordinates and offsets I've chosen, namely Scaled[{-0.05, 1.04}], {-1.5, 0}, need to be changed if the image size is changed. I'd like to be able to resize the graphic without messing up the alignment of the text box relative to the y-axis. These coordinates and offsets are also dependent on the default text size, but this probably isn't too much of a problem. For example: (*Sensetive to resizing*) Show[p2, p3, ImageSize -> 8*72, PlotRange -> All, DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction]; Can anyone offer a suggestion on how to accomplish my objective while avoiding these shortcomings? Or has someone already invented this wheel? >><BR><BR>