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Mathematica 5

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg42226] Mathematica 5
  • From: newsdesk at (Wolfram Research)
  • Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 01:27:14 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Wolfram Research is releasing Mathematica 5 today, on the 15th
anniversary of the introduction of Mathematica 1.0 on June 23, 1988.

This release contains important new capabilities relevant to all
Mathematica users.

A particular emphasis is a new generation of algorithmic capabilities
that greatly increase Mathematica's speed and scope in many areas.

It the area of numerics, Mathematica 5 brings a whole new level of
high-performance computing to the general user.  With the advances in
Mathematica 5, you can now solve a system of a million linear
equations on a typical PC, a linear programming problem with a million
variables, or a system of tens of thousands of coupled differential

In the area of algebraic computation, new algorithms have been
invented that significantly extend the domain of mathematics that can
be automated.  You can now find the complete solution to any system of
real polynomial equations or inequalities. And you can also solve an
impressive range of integer equations, including difference equations.

Mathematica's connectivity capabilities have also been enhanced. In
addition to supporting more than fifty import-export formats,
Mathematica 5 uses its symbolic programming capabilities to provide
tight and uniquely powerful Java, XML and  .NET integration.

Altogether, Mathematica 5 has thousands of new features and
improvements, ensuring its position as the best possible system for
technical computing.

Watch for future MathGroup posts from Wolfram in-house developers
detailing some of the new features mentioned above. More information
is also available at:

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