Re: format Text in graphics
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg42264] Re: format Text in graphics
- From: bobhanlon at (Bob Hanlon)
- Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 05:36:21 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <bdbek7$2c9$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
One way: Epilog -> Text[ToString[TraditionalForm[y]] <> " = " <> ToString[TraditionalForm[f[x]]] Bob Hanlon In article <bdbek7$2c9$1 at>, Murray Eisenberg <murray at> wrote: << What value of Epilog in a Plot expression will properly format y = f(x) in conventional mathematical style? That is, the y, f, and x should be italicized but the = and parentheses should not. Some things that do NOT work: Epilog -> Text[TraditionalForm[y = f(x)], {0.5, 0.5}] (* that just sets y to be f(x) and then displays f(x) *) textForm[txt_] := StyleForm[txt, FontFamily -> Times] mathForm[txt_] := StyleForm[txt, FontFamily -> Times, FontSlant -> Italic] Epilog -> Text[mathForm["y "], textForm["="], mathForm[" f(x)"], {0.5 0.5}] (* SOMETHING like the preceding should work, but I don't see how to combine the three StyleForm results *)