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RE: SetPrecision & Plot bug?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg39931] RE: [mg39909] SetPrecision & Plot bug?
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 02:28:58 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Ted Ersek has a package, PrecisionPlot, that is available from MathSource.
When that package is loaded then..

hw[rom_][ro_] = (1/7245)*
    (2*(Sqrt[(-ro^2)*(ro^2 + 4830*(Sqrt[5832225 - ro^2] - 2415))] -
      Sqrt[((rom^2*(112678587000*Sqrt[5832225 - rom^2] -
             (17496675 - 4*rom^2)^2) - 164291718016518750*
            (Sqrt[5832225 - rom^2] - 2415))*ro^4 +
         2415*(56339293500*Sqrt[5832225 - ro^2]*Sqrt[5832225 - rom^2]*
            (4*rom^2 - 5832225) - 34993350*Sqrt[5832225 - rom^2]*
            (4*rom^4 - 1944075*rom^2 + 11338282816875) +
           2415*(4*rom^2 + 5832225)*(8*rom^4 - 64154475*rom^2 +
             68029696901250) - 2*Sqrt[5832225 - ro^2]*
            (rom^2*(17496675 - 4*rom^2)^2 - 396764499009892781250))*
          ro^2 + 14084823375*(4*(4*Sqrt[5832225 - ro^2] - 12075)*
            rom^6 - 7245*(8*Sqrt[5832225 - rom^2]*Sqrt[5832225 -
                ro^2] + 9660*Sqrt[5832225 - ro^2] -
             9660*Sqrt[5832225 - rom^2] - 64154475)*rom^4 +
           140848233750*(Sqrt[5832225 - ro^2] + 2415)*
            (Sqrt[5832225 - rom^2] - 2898)*rom^2 - 328583436033037500*
            (Sqrt[5832225 - ro^2] + 2415)*(Sqrt[5832225 - rom^2] -
             2415)))/(rom^2*(17496675 - 4*rom^2)^2)]));

PrecisionPlot[hw[1][ro], {ro, 0, 1}];

PrecisionPlot[hw[50][ro], {ro, 0, 1}];

produce nice plots. They are of such a different scale that it makes no
sense to display them on the same plot.

Ted has also allowed me to make PrecisionPlot available within the
DrawGraphics package at my web site.

David Park
djmp at

From: Enrique Zeleny [mailto:ezeleny at]
To: mathgroup at

Consider this expression

In[1]:= HW =
 (1/7245)*(2*(Sqrt[(-ro^2)*(ro^2 + 4830*(Sqrt[5832225 - ro^2] - 2415))] -
     Sqrt[(1/(rom^2*(17496675 - 4*rom^2)^2))*
       ((rom^2*(112678587000*Sqrt[5832225 - rom^2] - (17496675 - 4*rom^2)^
             2) - 164291718016518750*(Sqrt[5832225 - rom^2] - 2415))*ro^4
        2415*(56339293500*Sqrt[5832225 - ro^2]*Sqrt[5832225 - rom^2]*
           (4*rom^2 - 5832225) - 34993350*Sqrt[5832225 - rom^2]*
           (4*rom^4 - 1944075*rom^2 + 11338282816875) +
          2415*(4*rom^2 + 5832225)*(8*rom^4 - 64154475*rom^2 +
            68029696901250) - 2*Sqrt[5832225 - ro^2]*
           (rom^2*(17496675 - 4*rom^2)^2 - 396764499009892781250))*ro^2 +
        14084823375*(4*(4*Sqrt[5832225 - ro^2] - 12075)*rom^6 -
          7245*(8*Sqrt[5832225 - rom^2]*Sqrt[5832225 - ro^2] +
            9660*Sqrt[5832225 - ro^2] - 9660*Sqrt[5832225 - rom^2] -
            64154475)*rom^4 + 140848233750*(Sqrt[5832225 - ro^2] + 2415)*
           (Sqrt[5832225 - rom^2] - 2898)*rom^2 - 328583436033037500*
           (Sqrt[5832225 - ro^2] + 2415)*(Sqrt[5832225 - rom^2] -

This should work

In[2]:= Plot[Evaluate[SetPrecision[HW /. rom -> 1, 50]], {ro, 0, 1},
PlotPoints -> 5, Compiled -> False]

but is awful, how Plot chooses the points? see this

In[3]:= %[[1]]

(Output is not shown because it's big)

this is the problem

In[4]:= FullForm[SetPrecision[HW /. rom -> 1, 50]]

(Output is not shown)

SetPrecision converts Power[expr,1/2] to Power[expr,0.5'50], but power is
an algebraic operation!, documentation say :

SetPrecision[expr, n] yields a version of expr in which all numbers have
been set to have a precision of n digits.

SetPrecision[expr, n] does not modify expr itself.


this works well

In[5]:= ListPlot[Table[Evaluate[SetPrecision[HW /. rom -> 1, 24],
{ro, 0, 1, 0.01`24}]], PlotJoined -> True];

This should work?

In[6]:= Plot[Evaluate[N[HW /. rom -> 1, 50]], {ro, 0, 1}, Compiled ->

Enrique Zeleny
UAP, Mexico

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