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RE: How to apply one plot range to another plot?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg40024] RE: [mg40001] How to apply one plot range to another plot?
  • From: "Beleznay, Akos" <abeleznay at>
  • Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 02:22:40 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Thanks for the package it is very useful.

However, exactly the PlotRange is the option I desperately try to eliminate.
If I could apply the Automatic range based on the list points, I would be
able to avoid messing with the PlotRange whenever I change the underlying
data set.

(I am trying to show the data points and a function in the relevant range.)


-----Original Message-----
From: David Park [mailto:djmp at] 
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg40024] RE: [mg40001] How to apply one plot range to another plot?


You may be able to solve your problem simply by including a PlotRange option
in your Show statement.

I have written a fairly popular package, DrawGraphics, which is available at
my web site below. The initial purpose of the package was to make it easy to
combine multiple plots in one graphic. The regular Mathematica method is
often quite complicated and difficult to use. DrawGraphics replaces Plot
statements with corresponding Draw statements that extract the primitive
graphics without making side plots. Therefore curves and surfaces are on the
same level as Points and Lines. You can just draw one after another in a
single statement. The package has grown beyond that and now has many other
useful routines in it as well as a handy color palette and very complete
Help documentation with many examples.

If you have a set of data in the form of a list, {{x1,y1},{x2,y2}...} you
don't really have to use ListPlot (or the corresponding ListDraw in
DrawGraphics). You can simply Map Point onto the list. Or use Line[list] to
obtain the Line.

I have attached a notebook showing how I made a plot of two sets of data
with their corresponding fitted curves using DrawGraphics.

David Park
djmp at

-----Original Message-----
From: Beleznay, Akos [mailto:abeleznay at]
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg40024] [mg40001] How to apply one plot range to another plot?


I am merging several listplots (ListPlot[...]) into one graph. In addition,
I am plotting some function (Plot[...]) on the same graph.

How could I keep the automatic axis settings connected only to the
listplots? Therefore, the range of the function plot would be determined by
the listplots without always going back and changing the range of the
function plot when I add/change the underlying data of the lisplots.

Tks, -akos

Akos Beleznay
Equitas Capital Advisors LLC
601 Poydras Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
Phone: (504) 566-4375
Fax: (504) 566-4734
abeleznay at

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