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RE: Problems with TickFunction

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg40280] RE: [mg40260] Problems with TickFunction
  • From: "Michael A. Gilchrist" <mike at>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 05:19:51 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Thanks so much for the brilliant and simple reply.  I can't believe its
that simple of a solution (or that, with all due respect to TWJ for
writing the routines, that it pukes on Integers).

Also thanks for pointing out your web page. I am doing some graph analysis
currently so I'm especially interested in your Combinatorica extensions.

Thanks again,


Department of Biology
167 Castetter Hall
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

phone:(505) 277-1718
fax:  (505) 277-0304

On Fri, 28 Mar 2003, David Park wrote:

> Michael,
> TickFunction uses TickPosition and TickPosition requires that the first two
> arguments be Real numbers. It won't work with Integers. TickPosition doesn't
> check for Real but TickPosition does and doesn't evalulate for Integers. So
> try...
> TickFunction[1., 2., MajorStyle -> {Thickness[0.02]},
>   	MajorLength -> {0.06, 0}]
> Still, TickFunction picks the positions of the tick marks for you and
> doesn't give you complete control.
> You might also want to try out the DrawGraphics package from my web site
> below. It is a whole suite of routines for producing graphics with
> Mathematica. It makes it very easy to combine graphics produced by different
> plot types. For tick marks it has a CustomTicks function that gives complete
> control over tick marks and labels and also allows you to scale or transform
> the tick values. There is also a CustomGridLines routine and for drawing
> free standing scales there are XTickLine and YTickLine routines. The package
> comes with complete Help documentation that includes examples for every
> command and a number of extended examples.
> David Park
> djmp at
> From: Michael A. Gilchrist [mailto:mike at]
To: mathgroup at
> Hi,
> I am trying to use the routines in  ExtendGraphics`Tick`. However, I keep
> getting the same error when trying to use these functions.  As far as I
> can tell it stems from the fact that the subfunction TickPosition,
> although defined, doesn't return any numbers
> Here's an example of a session
> Load Package
> 	In[12]:=
> 		 <<"ExtendGraphics`Ticks`"
> Try and run TickFunction
> 	In[15]:=
> 		 TickFunction[1,2,MajorStyle->{Thickness[0.02]},
>   	MajorLength->{0.06,0}]
> 	Transpose::nmtx: The first two levels of the one-dimensional list
> 	{TickPosition[1,2,8],<<40>>[TickPosition[1,2,8]]} cannot be transposed.
> 	Transpose::nmtx: The first two levels of the one-dimensional list
> 	{TickPosition[1,2,8],<<40>>[<<1>>],{0.06,0},{Thickness[0.02]}} cannot be
> 	transposed.
> 	Join::heads: Heads Transpose and TickPosition at positions 1 and 2 are
> 	expected to be the same.
> 	Join[Transpose[{TickPosition[1,2,8],
>       	ExtendGraphics`Ticks`Private`TrimDecimal[TickPosition[1,2,8]],{0.06,
> 0},
> 	{Thickness[0.02]}}], TickPosition[{32,,{0.003125,0},{Thickness[0.001]}}]]
> If I inquire about TickPosition it appears to be defined
> 	In[13]:=
> 		?TickPosition
> 	Out[14]=
> 	TickPosition[ min, max, num] returns a list of at most num nicely rounded
> 	positions between min and max.  These can be used for tick mark positions.
> However, when used the function just returns the command used to call it
> 	In[14]:=
> 	TickPosition[1, 2, 5]
> 	Out[14]=
> 	TickPosition[1,2,5]
> Has anyone else seen this problem or does anyone have any ideas what's
> going wrong here.
> Thanks in advance,
> Mike Gilchrist
> BTW: I just reinstalled the ExtendGraphics files and that didn't help

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